Carmen, Smith or Trailbridge

I have never fished either of these Reservoirs and want to take my boat for a day trip. Which one would you recommend and why? Fish species? Size? Equipment?
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It would depend on your boat. Carmen is no motors and I believe trail bridge has a motor regulation but I dont know what it is. The Carmen ramp is shallow and basically a gravel patch.
Carmen ....

Carmen ....

Carmen would be my guess, nice population of Rainbows along with some Native Brookies and the occasional Cutthroat. Like was said, no motors..this means you can't use a motor on the water..but you can still have motor on the craft.
Not a huge lake but some great opportunities to be had on this lake. Trail bridge is motor friendly but no bait...
Smith is at 2500 feet and the water is still very cold, not sure when they (ODFW) stock any of these lakes but I am sure that they do.

is carmen the one you can only fish with lures and flies. i know one of the reservoirs has that rule. don't know what one though.. other than that its good fishing. in my opinion, i like foster lake the best. it sure is beautiful country up there.. love it
Trailbridge is flies and lures only. Smith would be my spot to go with a boat if it has a motor. After the water warms a bit fish in the back where the creek comes in. There is also a boat to only campground in the back if you are interested in camping.

There is also blue river you can knock the pellet heads dead there.


I think smith just got stocked not that long ago....I recomend fishing that lake, I've always had good luck since my first visit with troutski!! I remember trolling with troutski and we started to ctach one after another and the osprey nearly would steal our fish out of the could barley reel in your line fast enough!


These are my reservoirs of choice! of all the reservoirs in the state, these are the three I hit up the most. Carmen usually has some good fishing, but no motors. Trailbridge is beautiful but it's the devil for fishing, i swear, I've only caught three fish in the 20 years I've been fishing there, and not for a lack of trying, all three were bull trout too. Trailbridge is lures and flies only because of the bull trout fishery preservation project they have going on up there (Though everyone ignores the regs and I see a ton of people using power bait, which is when you wish there was an OSP presence to educate some people). Smith is your best bet, and my favorite place to go with a motor, the fishing has always been good, and it's larger than the other two. There's also a really cool campground at the end, accessible only by boat, 2 miles from the boat launch. So unless you want to paddle that beast of a boat of yours lol, I recommend Smith. You won't be dissapointed.
I avoid Trailbridge b/c I prefer the no-motor experience. That being said, I'd sincerely recommend Carmen Smith. The water is usually clear enough so that you can see right down to the bottom (and thus see where the fish are hanging out) and it's pretty quiet.

I was up there in September 2008, camping at Ice Cap (campground right above). My buddy and I limited out in a very short amount of time fishing white powerbait right off the bottom.
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