If you are looking for a good $80 to $100 dollar setup. My Brother and I have gone to Great American Tackle Shop In Clackamas since we started going for the big guys 5 weeks ago, 16122 Se 82nd Dr Clackamas Or, 97015. Gary Waterhouse is the Owner and the only employee. It is a small shop. Ask for the Deal he has on the new Okuma 8'6" Connoisuer pole Medium Action 8-20lb line for $39.99 and The Shimano Solstice reel for $39.99. He will set you up with a very good starter setup, spool your reel, and it should cost around $92.00. This setup I have used a few times and works great. He also has more costly poles and reels like Berkely, Okuma, G-loomis, Shimano etc. Good luck hope this helps!