Books by Pat McManus?


Fellow OFF'ers...have any of you read the books by outdoor humorist Pat Mcmanus (Like "Grasshopper Trap", or "The Night the Bear Ate Goombaw")?

I think his stuff is a total hoot. Just wondering if anyone else likes his books too?
Duuuuuuuuuuuuude! I love Pat man, that is gooooood stuff!! I`v read quite a few and have his site bookmarked so I can purchase some I haven`t yet. Gotta pass that stuff on to the kids man.
X 2! His stuff is hilarious!!!

If you can't find what you're after on Pat's site...try your local libraries and / or new/ used bookstores.
I have several of his books and I reallylike them. He makes me laugh with those stories because I can see them happening. When ever I strat to do something that ends up taking many task to complete, I think of his story "Sequences". I usually have one of his books stashed in my truck so when I show up for a doctors appointment or something similar I have something good to read. It a little strange thought when you are sitting in a waiting room laughing,:lol::lol: folks give you a strange look.

Metalfisher76....thanks for posting that site, and Troutdude great question!
i love Pat's stories. Been a big fan for years and always looked forward to the new issue of outdoor life every month when i was younger and had subscriptions to everything. lol.

i own "Rubber Legs and White Tail-Hairs". Keep telling myself i need to buy some more.

Crazy Eddie Muldoon, Rancid Crabtree, and all the rest....have kept me laughing for years.
Not that I'm "pushing", a lot of his books are available there for really cheap prices.

But, I buy from LOCAL bookstores and directly from Pat's web site whenever I can.

(I'm a big fan of supporting the authors, musicians, artists, etc. directly when possible--as well as LOCAL businesses too).

For peeps who are not familiar with Pat's can likely find at least a few of his books at your local library. If you an "outdoorsy" person, you will laugh your arse off...guaranteed!
Pat's Books

Pat's Books

Didn't everyone grown up fishing from a bicycle?

:shock:da%^ spokes eat too many of my rod tips!:lol:

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