Bond Butte pond 4/22


Active member
Not a lot to report other than it was a nice day there by the boat launch.
Caught many small gills and one small, about 8'', largemouth while attempting to entice some of those channel cats I hear about.
Mostly my fault. I forgot to take my preferred catfish bait out of the freezer the night before so I was stuck with using night crawlers and cut bluegill.
I did get one strike on a blue gill head so I'm fairly certain it was a catfish. Could possibly been a turtle also as I noticed a number of them in the pond.
They are in there, just hard to catch. There is a multitude of yellow bellies in there the will devour whatever you throw in before a channel has a chance to know it is there. But they are in there.

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Have you ever been able to get into any channel cats there before, curious where to find some of those suckers.
This was my first attempt there. I have my doubts that what stuck my cut bait was a bullhead, they tend to shy from fresh dead fish heads.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I could have well been a cat, I am just saying when I go the the little piranha drive me nuts. If I were you, I would just keep on keepin on. As long á they're biting you have a chance at catching. Good luck.

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