After another unsuccessful troll for coho on Friday morning, (we all can't be as skilled as Fishydog:clap
I decided to hit BC Angling and stock up on supplies for the Fall Chinook season.
Since I'm a new "twister" (not to be confused w/ tweaker, but maybe just as addicting), I wanted to pick up the C-Head for the larger gauge wire. I inquire from the new guy, and he explains they just tried to place an order last week and the company is not filling any and is possibly closing their business. He mentioned there was a possiblitly that another co. might purchase their inventory, but was unsure of the details.
I know I can go back to using my pliers, but was hoping to pick up the extra heads. So all you twisters be on the lookout for spare parts if you use the Boggs unit and if anyone has an extra, I'm in the market.

Since I'm a new "twister" (not to be confused w/ tweaker, but maybe just as addicting), I wanted to pick up the C-Head for the larger gauge wire. I inquire from the new guy, and he explains they just tried to place an order last week and the company is not filling any and is possibly closing their business. He mentioned there was a possiblitly that another co. might purchase their inventory, but was unsure of the details.
I know I can go back to using my pliers, but was hoping to pick up the extra heads. So all you twisters be on the lookout for spare parts if you use the Boggs unit and if anyone has an extra, I'm in the market.