Boats vs. the bank angler

This is a rant of sorts....

I have no beef with 99% of guys in boats, but today I ran into the 1% that frustrate. As a bank angler, you learn quickly that access to good water is severely limited to begin with, and made that much more difficult by high water. It doesn't mean you don't have access, it just means you have to work a little bit harder for it, and when a lot of people are out, it's that much more difficult. This is just how it is, and you just have to accept it. I'm perfectly content with the way it goes almost always, but today...people forgot what etiquette is.

I started on the Siuslaw after I got off work this was running high and the color of chocolate milk and I had no luck. So I decided to hit up Lake creek, which was a nice clear/green color...perfect for some small jigs. Quite a bit of boat traffic this afternoon. I tried a few slots, and it definitely looked fishy, but they weren't taking my offering. So I decided to change colors. While I'm changing colors, a boat that had been watching me fish this hole for more than 20 minutes, moves down, and anchors directly in front of me between the bank and the section of water I was floating a jig through. They stayed for almost 45 minutes in that spot, I didn't really know what to say to them, and I don't think they were in the mood to listen to begin with. It was a guide boat, though I don't know who it was. I just decided to sit down and shut up while eating my sandwich for lunch watching these idiots, waiting. Finally they left and I continued fishing. About 20 minutes after those guys left, another boat comes down and is pulling plugs, but they're staying up above the hole and i imagine their plugs were just at the top of the slot, not a problem until I hooked up and this guy is letting his plug float on down taking out line AFTER he sees i have a fish on...keeps on letting it out...until it comes OVER my line...and then flips his bail and lets it dive....somehow his plug got tangled in my line, so he starts reeling in his line...while pulling on mine which has a fish attached to it, he pulls it all the way into his boat, and then pulls up my line to get his plug untangled from my line, while my line STILL HAS A FISH ON IT...and then in horror I watch in slow motion thinking there is no way he is going to do what I think he's doing, as he just lets it go slack back into the river....goodbye fish.

I was fuming, and they drifted on and didn't care.

Guys in boats have access to the entire river. You can fish literally it asking too much to give bank anglers some room? we are so limited, we can't just pick up our anchor and float down to the next hole. bank access is prized, and on the weekend, every spot is pretty much taken.

Maybe I'm being out of line, but I don't really think I am. You spent that money for that boat to fish spots not accessible by the bank, utilize it. Give the bankers a wide birth and fish the next hole.

Again, most guys in boats are very respectful, and this isn't directed at those of you that are. It's just a few bad apples in the bushell.
I'm sorry that it happened to you, Jeanna. What can I say... It's not a story about people who have or have not a boat. It's a story about people who have or have not respect for other people.


I know what happens on the south fork of the santiam when that kinda stuff goes on. Way to keep your cool. There should some sort of punishment for things like that.
you are very right. Almost everyone I run into on the bank has been very respectful and helpful when needed, I haven't had many issues with anyone except for fishing below the dam at dexter a few years ago, and that hole gives combat fishing an entirely different meaning.

Cool note though on a not so great day is that I did meet a guy that had never been steelhead fishing before in his life, he was 92 years old, out with a guide his son paid for him to go with. He retained a dark buck, and was ecstatic, said it was the best day of his life. The best day of his life, in 92 years, that was really awesome.
I know what happens on the south fork of the santiam when that kinda stuff goes on. Way to keep your cool. There should some sort of punishment for things like that.
fortunately, it doesn't happen often, or well, maybe it does? it just hasn't happened often to me. I can only hope they went home with empty ice boxes :) that would be some dear sweet revenge :) Tomorrow is a new day though
About 20 minutes after those guys left, another boat comes down and is pulling plugs, but they're staying up above the hole and i imagine their plugs were just at the top of the slot, not a problem until I hooked up and this guy is letting his plug float on down taking out line AFTER he sees i have a fish on...keeps on letting it out...until it comes OVER my line...and then flips his bail and lets it dive....somehow his plug got tangled in my line, so he starts reeling in his line...while pulling on mine which has a fish attached to it, he pulls it all the way into his boat, and then pulls up my line to get his plug untangled from my line, while my line STILL HAS A FISH ON IT...and then in horror I watch in slow motion thinking there is no way he is going to do what I think he's doing, as he just lets it go slack back into the river....goodbye fish.

OMFG I would have swam out there and kicked his ass.....

That is unreal. Use your lungs next time! As soon as you see him doing something like that don't be timid yell his ass down! What's he going to do?! If he decided to go crazy on you, you could be long gone before he ever got his boat close to shore. People act like that because the odds are in their favor of nobody saying anything. Don't except it. You had EVERY RIGHT to scream at the guy, he knew exactly what he was doing....

I have a buddy that will cast into a boat looking for flesh if somebody tries to pull crap like that.
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Ya it really sucks how disrespectful some people can be. Even though our public access areas are for everyone I still belive in common courtesy. I'm not sayin I go crazy like some people when someone starts fishing the same hole I am and I love it when people stop and we can talk a little fishin bs, but I also work hard for the money to fish and get up quite early to hit the good holes. When I see somebody fishin a hole especially on smaller waterways like eagle creek I usually just say hi and go on my way, unlike some who will stand literally 5 feet from me and cast in the exact spots I am. Normally I say nothin and go about my business but every once in a while I just gotta say somthin although I always try to be polite. Trust me your not out of line. Like you said most people are great but theres always gonna be some bad apples. Just try to forget about it and keep doin what your doin. Theres nothin to make you feel better after lossing a fish than banking one. Good luck to you and sorry about the lost fish.
Damned bullies

Damned bullies

OUCH! That really sucks big time. I totally agree with you and every other bank fisher folk, the real estate we fish from is a lot smaller than the boaters have access to. I had a horse years ago,loved the freedom. While I had him I learned from an old gent how to use a bull whip. Now,I wish at times I still had the whip ( I learned the hard way that I am alergic to horses). I am usually a peace-loving granny,but when I get pushed by bullies,I can't help myself and I push back. Not smart at my age,but I still won't tolerate it. I applaud your self-control,seriously,I would have thrown rock at 'em and gotten into all sorts of trouble. Maybe we will get the chance to team up someday and balance each other's temperment. It is really too bad there wasn't some other men to tell the jackass who hung you up to move along. I doubt he would have had balls enough to pull that with another man. Okay, I'm c-a-l-m-i-n-g d-o-w-n....sorry,but you know it's true.
I'll go now. Be safe.
OMFG I would have swam out there and kicked his ass.....

That is unreal. Use your lungs next time! As soon as you see him doing something like that don't be timid yell his ass down! What's he going to do?! If he decided to go crazy on you, you could be long gone before he ever got his boat close to shore. People act like that because the odds are in their favor of nobody saying anything. Don't except it. You had EVERY RIGHT to scream at the guy, he knew exactly what he was doing....

I have a buddy that will cast into a boat looking for flesh if somebody tries to pull crap like that.

LOL your buddy and my brother both, my brother actually hooked a guide a few years back that pulled similar crap, he had not intended on hooking anyone, or so he says, but he got the guy with a 5/0 nasty bait hook. This was up the McKenzie at a popular salmon hole.

One day I'll utilize my lungs, but usually I just keep my mouth shut because I'm a weiner like that. LOL. I'm out by myself usually and really don't like to stir up a mess. The lost fish though, almost made me violent...
Ya it really sucks how disrespectful some people can be. Even though our public access areas are for everyone I still belive in common courtesy. I'm not sayin I go crazy like some people when someone starts fishing the same hole I am and I love it when people stop and we can talk a little fishin bs, but I also work hard for the money to fish and get up quite early to hit the good holes. When I see somebody fishin a hole especially on smaller waterways like eagle creek I usually just say hi and go on my way, unlike some who will stand literally 5 feet from me and cast in the exact spots I am. Normally I say nothin and go about my business but every once in a while I just gotta say somthin although I always try to be polite. Trust me your not out of line. Like you said most people are great but theres always gonna be some bad apples. Just try to forget about it and keep doin what your doin. Theres nothin to make you feel better after lossing a fish than banking one. Good luck to you and sorry about the lost fish.

I won't usually walk down to a spot if someone's rig is parked near it unless I know there is a lot of room, but I have no problem with people coming down and fishing the same area, as long as they aren't beligerant and don't mess with my gear, after all I don't own the river. A lot of the time there's good conversation to be had, and I've learned quite a bit from talking to people on the bank. Today sucked, but I'm just glad I had a fish on, I haven't been able to hook up the last couple of trips, they've taken my rig down but haven't taken the hook, I was begining to think they were out to screw with me. Tomorrow perhaps I will be firing up the grill when I get home with some fresh fillets :)
OUCH! That really sucks big time. I totally agree with you and every other bank fisher folk, the real estate we fish from is a lot smaller than the boaters have access to. I had a horse years ago,loved the freedom. While I had him I learned from an old gent how to use a bull whip. Now,I wish at times I still had the whip ( I learned the hard way that I am alergic to horses). I am usually a peace-loving granny,but when I get pushed by bullies,I can't help myself and I push back. Not smart at my age,but I still won't tolerate it. I applaud your self-control,seriously,I would have thrown rock at 'em and gotten into all sorts of trouble. Maybe we will get the chance to team up someday and balance each other's temperment. It is really too bad there wasn't some other men to tell the jackass who hung you up to move along. I doubt he would have had balls enough to pull that with another man. Okay, I'm c-a-l-m-i-n-g d-o-w-n....sorry,but you know it's true.
I'll go now. Be safe.

Oh I wanted to slash some tires LOL, fortunately or unfortunately? I had no clue what the yocal was driving. See I'm one to get even quietly :) LOL For the most part I'm pretty quiet, and I wish I wasn't. Wish I had the "balls" to stand up at times. I never get hassled when I have guy friends with me, but when I'm out there by myself, I find a lot more recently than before, I get a lot of crap from men, and it's not cool, although no one seems to screw with me when I've got my dog, so I should perhaps take her out more often, even though that's a false sense of security as she will lick a person to death. That bull whip could surely come in handy, you should check out ebay LOL. Perhaps one day i'll speak up and tell people where to go when they mess with me? Eh probably not. I'm the quiet mouse.


I have a boat and would never crowd a bank guy since I spend most of my time on the bank. But if I where to lose a fish because of that sort of behavior 2 things would happen : first it will start raining lead and then I will be waiting at that ramp


for a second there i thought i was on the pp board... lot of tough talk on here about a fishin hole?

so ppl get on here to "share" these spots with others, but when others start showing up and fishin "their water", the feathers get a little ruffled? what gives?

crappy of that guy to do that to you, but then who needs to be the bigger person?

nice thought with the slashing tires, or hookin' the person with a big ol treble hook.... real cool - not so much. :naughty:

since not much substance here, at least it entertaining!
That is enough

That is enough

for a second there i thought i was on the pp board... lot of tough talk on here about a fishin hole?

so ppl get on here to "share" these spots with others, but when others start showing up and fishin "their water", the feathers get a little ruffled? what gives?

crappy of that guy to do that to you, but then who needs to be the bigger person?

nice thought with the slashing tires, or hookin' the person with a big ol treble hook.... real cool - not so much. :naughty:

since not much substance here, at least it entertaining!

I will certainly be glad when you get all the smart-a$$ sarcasm out of your system. This is the second time,that I am aware of, that you have joined into a discussion,not to contribute anything worthwhile,only to stir up a pot of contention. If you belonged to another forum before you arrived here,or still do,please consider making a commitment to this forum and our tenets as long as you are here. This IS a forum for true fisher folk who love to share all sorts of information and help one another enjoy the whole fishing experience as much as possible. I invite you to share/contribute some of your own expertice with the rest of our members. If you have questions,even not directly pertaining to fishing (Other Stuff category) ask away. If you would like to see proof of our Sharing & Caring attitude, take the time to go through the older posts (we call them "archives") and you will be astounded to find just how much sharing we actually do. You will find not just names, but specific directions and even GPS cordinates to some of the finest fishing water in the state. You are welcome here,but you needn't be acting like you have in the past couple posts. You will find we are quite tolerant,but only to a point. I hope you will have a change of heart and actually become a contributing member to a truly great forum founded with the very best intentions of helping each other out. Be safe.
so if not to

so if not to

agree with all the posts on here, i am not welcome?

its alright to post about slashing tires and the such? causing physical harm by tossing trebles at other fisherfolk is acceptable? can't believe that these acts are alright, but certainly i shouldnt voice my opinion?

not what i bargained for when i joined. i joined to post my views as well, whether everyone agrees or not. thought that the idea of forums?

i am willing to share tactics, tying jigs n flies and the such. the one issue is posting just that - gps coordinates to small streams that can't handle pressure that forums i.e. ifish, off, pp, any of the fishing sites. for the most part, experienced folks get it - keep poppin' off with detailed reports of specific areas and before you have a chance to go fish it again its trampled trashed and for the most part not so fishy.

if im not welcome say so - was under the impression that forums are for both sides of the coin? figured wrong...

thank you for pointing out what archives are - now i guess its alright for you to belittle me being as you are a mod?
nice thought with the slashing tires, or hookin' the person with a big ol treble hook.... real cool - not so much. :naughty:

I agree with nointrntrprts. If we behave as "they" do, we will become "them". :naughty:
But actually there is no "us" and "them". They are us & we are them. Who are always perfect? Who didn't offend/did something offensive intentionally or not intentionality? Well, I heard about one guy but it was long time ago about 2000 years back. ;)

Once I saw on tv interview with a minister of culture. During the interview one guy from audience throw an egg in the minister to show his protest. Security grabbed the guy. "Bring him to me" said the minister. They did. Guess what happened next? The minister of CULTURE hit the guy with his leg several times!!! :shock::lol: After that I'm joined the guy. I too don't want this minister of culter to be a minister of culture. ;)


this is why i joined off - to post either side of the coin and am glad that it is still acceptable.

once it starts getting over moderated, it'll be just another fishing site. this is what keeps it different than the other local boards, the actual freedom to type!

i am alright with someone calling me out. it goes both ways though.

i do understand people wanting to just go online and get a quick fix to finding and catching more steelhead. however it shouldnt be made so easy for them as nothing is more rewarding than doing the footwork yourself - picking up a map and looking at different waters to sort through were anadromous fish could be, then actually going and scouting it and maybe hitting paydirt, or just to see them in a natural environment. it was quite some time ago for me, but remember it like it was yesterday. once and angler puts in that kind of time and beats the bush like some of us have, then they understand why some folks are so protective of this valuable resource. it isn't easy.

let me see what i can do to contribute a little more....

sorry for de-railing this thread.

peace and FISH ON!

mark - aka no internet reports
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In vietnam i had to be a violent man but over the years i've grown to become quite mellow.............................:):):)
for a second there i thought i was on the pp board... lot of tough talk on here about a fishin hole?

so ppl get on here to "share" these spots with others, but when others start showing up and fishin "their water", the feathers get a little ruffled? what gives?

crappy of that guy to do that to you, but then who needs to be the bigger person?

nice thought with the slashing tires, or hookin' the person with a big ol treble hook.... real cool - not so much. :naughty:

since not much substance here, at least it entertaining!
If you could read some, you'd see that I did nothing...I sat down, shut up, and moved on. I also don't own a single treble hook, nor would I actually slash anyone's tires, regardless, property damage solves nothing. It's not "my water" but when someone is fishing, it's not proper etiquette to drop into the hole while they are still actively fishing it, wait your turn. I'm the most easy going person on the bank, I don't stir up anything and avoid confrontation at all costs, but I work damn hard to find bank access and hook up(I go out on scouting trips with a map and a machete) , and when I lose a fish because of some careless a-hole in a boat, that's not right. I'm sure you'd have been rather irritated if the same happened to you.
Every one take a chill pill...

Every one take a chill pill...

Lets all just take a moment and breath deep. There is always going to be some one that was raised by wolves and has no concept on what "etiquette" is let alone practice it. We are all people and each has a belief of what is right and what is wrong, what the person in the boat did was wrong.
Now lets get back to catching fish and helping each other be more successful on the water.

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