Big pod of dolphin, Costa Rica fishing video

Mid December
Been a great month down here, with 10 Marlin on the last 13 trips, and schools of Tuna 85 percent of the trips. Hear's a neat video a customer of mine sent in. Great video, but she cuts off the camera when we hook up! We ended up getting some nice YF. Great way to get a Christmas Sun Tan!
Thanks. It seems like Marlin are the hardest to get a picture of. We get a ton, but everytime I get one, something goes wrong with the picture. This guy had a drop of water right in the middle of the lens, but it wasn't as bad as some of the others. I have to get a nicer camera I think. i'm looking to mount a video camera on a stabilizing mount and that should make for some good strike videos.
John, your photo problem is solved, send me airline tickets, and I am there to take pictures. Oh yeah I might hand the camera off to land a few fish though...LOL
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