Best steelhead bead colors

I am going to try steelhead bead fishing this year. I have a ton of colors in 2 sizes. I was just wondering if anyone had advice of which color bead and sizes work best in different water conditions.
Not that I really know, but I've tried the just OFF-pink color. Not a bright pink, but kinda faded. Hooked one on that. Green tinted water.
Steelhead will eat almost any color bead some of the time. Almost any pink, orange, red, or combination thereof most of the time. As the season goes on and the salmon eggs start to wash out of the salmon and the redds, the best colors are the lighter pink. There are times when nothing remotely red or pink or orange will work. The fish will spook away on bright colors. Sometimes black and white, or all black is best. Be creative and if you know fish are there, don't be afraid to switch colors often.
I saw a fishing fuide fishing all green beads on the willamette river, he said he boated 5 steelies and lost 4 with them. water color at the time: Not too bad but a lil on the murkey side.
Well I have many of them that fit all of those colors so we will see what works. Can't do any worse with them than I do anything else for Summer Run.
I use beads from whatever necklace broke last. Granted, I haven't caught a single steelhead, but trout chase after them like a 50+ year old woman chasing a dark chocolate truffle.
green beads are used in water that have suckers,squawfish and carp. idk why but thats what halibuthitman always tells me and everyone tells me it works.
Forget the beads, use bait. You've never seen a fat kid pass up candy have you?
the only way you won't get called a flosser using beads is if your using them under an indcator 2 inches above the hook for trout.. with a fly rod just saying LOL but they do catch fish if you use them right. well..steelhead and trout anyways all the salmon ive seen caught on beads were flossed -.-
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I've never caught a fish that flossed a wedding ring, or any other type of beaded hook. The hook clearly went in first.
Run the bead under a float and there will be no doubt when a fish takes the bead. A little fingernail polish can be used to give your a bead a mottled look. I have fished beads enough to know that at certain times they will out fish bait 10:1.
Can someone put a picture up of how to rig the beads. I would like to learn how......or point me in the direction of a youtube video would be great.......Thanx
If you don't want to gut hook fish at times you rig it up the line by pegging it with a toothpick. If you don't care where you hook the fish put the bead right on top of the hook or put it on the hook.

I plan to fish most of them right above the hook free on the line or on the hook. I haven't gut hooked but 3 fish in the last 4-5 years and that is even using roe for Chinook. If I do see an issue with the fish swallowing the hook and bleeding then I will consider moving it up the line some.

Oh and flossing, IMHO, is when the fish doesn't bite, period. If they bite the bead and I just happen to hook them outside the mouth because the rig it intended to do so then I am fishing and not flossing. Not to mention my leaders will be shorter than 4 foot, not 10.
troutbeads are badass. and they work wonders. ive caught sooo many cutthroat on beads. i like using a small red hook and pegging the bead 2 inches abive the hook. ever since halbuthitman showed me how to "improve" my bead rig i caugh a lot more fish. and i know what flossing is.. don't have to explain it. i didn't call you a flosser i'm just saying all of the salmon ive seen landed on beads ESPECIALLY on 3 rivers were flossed. peole who drift fish beads tend to get labeled as flossers rather then those who fly fish with them,or use them under a float. i'm not saying you have never had a chinook bite your bead.. i'm just saying if you plan on taking up drift fishing beads prepare to get messed with by ill tempered fisherman. i was were to drift fish an egg imitation it would be yarnies and glo bugs. but thats just my 2 cents :)
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Salmon bite beads....I have no doubt about that! Steelhead absolutely love them! These 3 Springer were caught in about 1 hours time in the middle of the day on the 4th of July the year before last while steelhead fishing! Drop your leader and hook sizes down accordingly and you will be amazed!

Best steelhead bead colors
Brandon, no worries here. Just stating my opinion. I know what they call bead fishers, the same thing they call me when i fish my fly on casting gear and hook 20x as many fish legaly as they do. Others will always call it flossing or whatever to make themselves feel better for not catching fish. Don't get me wrong, true flossers need to be flogged and run off the river but bead fishing and doing it right is not, again, IMHO, flossing.

Those are some sweet Nooks! And in July! Never hooked a springer but hope to some day. None of my local rivers have a season for them so I have to settle for fall salmon.
okie dokie :). and yeah, those are some very nice spingers mad dog!
Clear Water
6mm and 8mm
Medium Clear Water
Size 8mm is best
Dirty Water
Size 10mm or 12mm
Peach RoeEgg YolkChartreuse
SalmonNatural RoeHot Cherry Roe
Glow RoeOrange-Clear
Peach FuzzGold Roe
Apricot SwirlMottled Natural Roe
Gold RoePink
Milt RoeCerise

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