brandon4455 said:
ok so, when yu have your line just slide it through the hole on the weight. then you tie on a barrel swivel. and then you get anothe peice of line (as long as your arm) and tie it to the other end. that way the weight isn't right on your hook. then put your bait on. use size 14-16b trebles. they are pretty small and work good for stocker trout. good luck and happy fishing! heres a pic of the rig to make it easier for you to understand
Nice job Brandon.
I did well last year, at the bridge in the park where the water flows over a spillway, and back into the Willy. Another good place to try (but have to be one of the first ones there), is the spillway tail out next to I-5. ODFW only plants about 30 - 50 in that pocket, so it gets fished out quickly.
Power Egg colors that worked well were white, lemon/lime, orange, pink/white (bubblegum). And the BEST color producer everywhere that I went last year (Feb. - Nov.) was Chartreuse. So, don't leave home with out it. LOL
Little Cleo and Kastmaster wobblers also produced, as did a SLIP bobber and worm (or Pautzke's Eggs). Plus, I have some addiitonal suggestions for the rig that Brandon provided.
When rigging this gear up, I first slide the sinker on. Then, follow that with a small plastic bead. After that, I tie the main line to the barrel swivel. The bead prevents the sinker from bunching up and onto the knot and / or swivel.
I also use a main line that is HEAVIER than the leader. For example:
Main line: 6 lb. test
Leader: 4 or 2 lb. test
Lighter leader helps your hook/bait to float.
I also always begin with appx. 36" of leader when fishing OFF the bottom (as fish look up). But, sometimes switch to shorter lengths if that doesn't produce. But, if you start short, you'll have to re-rig both ends to make it longer. Less time with bait in the water = fewer fish.
Good luck!