Best places to fish at AB?

where are the best places to fish at ab after they have stocked it and what type of gear or setup should i use?
soem bait options : powerbait, worms,salmon eggs rigged with snelled or just plain gold treble hooks rigged with a slip sinker works well. or you can use a bobber. lures: kastmasters ,little cleos,roostertails. try the kasmasters and cleos in plain silver or brass and i recomend rainbow or black for roostertail. i can't really guide you where the good fishing is though, since ive never been there. oh, and use 4-6lb test nothing thicker
haha sorry should have made that more clear. When i use a slip sinker how do i set it up? oh and what size hooks should i be using. Thanks for all ur help
ok so, when yu have your line just slide it through the hole on the weight. then you tie on a barrel swivel. and then you get anothe peice of line (as long as your arm) and tie it to the other end. that way the weight isn't right on your hook. then put your bait on. use size 14-16b trebles. they are pretty small and work good for stocker trout. good luck and happy fishing! heres a pic of the rig to make it easier for you to understand :D
  • bankrig.jpg
thanks thats how I thought it was done but always better to hear it from some one ho knows what there doing. :)
I've done really well fishing off of the bridge in this link. Google Maps
what do you use when you fish there?
csimkalo said:
what do you use when you fish there?

Green Power Eggs or a copper Thomas
brandon4455 said:
ok so, when yu have your line just slide it through the hole on the weight. then you tie on a barrel swivel. and then you get anothe peice of line (as long as your arm) and tie it to the other end. that way the weight isn't right on your hook. then put your bait on. use size 14-16b trebles. they are pretty small and work good for stocker trout. good luck and happy fishing! heres a pic of the rig to make it easier for you to understand :D

Nice job Brandon.

I did well last year, at the bridge in the park where the water flows over a spillway, and back into the Willy. Another good place to try (but have to be one of the first ones there), is the spillway tail out next to I-5. ODFW only plants about 30 - 50 in that pocket, so it gets fished out quickly.

Power Egg colors that worked well were white, lemon/lime, orange, pink/white (bubblegum). And the BEST color producer everywhere that I went last year (Feb. - Nov.) was Chartreuse. So, don't leave home with out it. LOL

Little Cleo and Kastmaster wobblers also produced, as did a SLIP bobber and worm (or Pautzke's Eggs). Plus, I have some addiitonal suggestions for the rig that Brandon provided.

When rigging this gear up, I first slide the sinker on. Then, follow that with a small plastic bead. After that, I tie the main line to the barrel swivel. The bead prevents the sinker from bunching up and onto the knot and / or swivel.

I also use a main line that is HEAVIER than the leader. For example:

Main line: 6 lb. test
Leader: 4 or 2 lb. test

Lighter leader helps your hook/bait to float.

I also always begin with appx. 36" of leader when fishing OFF the bottom (as fish look up). But, sometimes switch to shorter lengths if that doesn't produce. But, if you start short, you'll have to re-rig both ends to make it longer. Less time with bait in the water = fewer fish.

Good luck!
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well thanks for all the help can't wait to go out and try all the new things yall have advised me on.
I my self put a bead inbetween my egg sinker and swivel. And power eggs... the more i use them, the more luck i get on them. I'm starting to love them!!
Well went out there today and yesterday, wensday. and did awesome both days. thanks for all the help. lures seemed to work the best though. also where can i buy power eggs checked bi-mart but they dont carry them.
Hey, thanks for the report. I'm glad that you did well and had a good time!

If you don't mind telling us...what types of lures worked best?

You should be able to find Berkley's Power Eggs at Bi Mart. I'm pretty sure that is where I got mine. Although, I also bought some at the old Sportsman's Warehouse in Salem (now called Wholesale Sports, or something like that). I'm sure that Dick's sporting goods would have 'em too.

Power Eggs, will be right alongside Power Bait, Power Nuggets, etc.
troutdude. I was with csimkalo wednesday to meet with him and help him out. Roostertails were working pretty good, brass blade with dark green/white/pink body and a black/silver body with silver blades both worked well. We did get some hits on powerbait but no hook-ups, I also caught fish off a #12 gold beadhead prince nymph. Also made some little girls day by handing off my rod to her a few times with a fish on. she must have been no older than 4 or so. So all in all a good day on wednesday.

Csimkalo It was a pleasure meeting you and im glad you got into fish. If you have any questions you know the number
nice job intimidator...i love making a kids day like that, anytime im fishing and a little kid shows intrest i always try to hand my rod off
X 2...nice job...especially letting that little girl fight some fish. Good for you! Thanks for your reply.
I always use a little black nymph. I caught and released 29 yesterday.
Crikey Ron, and you didn't invite the rest of us??? :think:
Its been pretty good out there and lures seem to be working the best for me.
Also I was. There on Friday and some kid caught what I believed was a pretty good size steel head which shocked the hell outta me haha. Are there any other places pretty close by besides jcp that are good for fishing this time of the year?
is alton baker getting stocked tomorrow?

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