Barton Park campground

Hi guys, i was wondering if you guys know of any spots good new barton park, i am going camping there on the 39, 1, and 2 of august do you think salmon/steelhead will be in there?
Hi guys, i was wondering if you guys know of any spots good new barton park, i am going camping there on the 39, 1, and 2 of august do you think salmon/steelhead will be in there?

You have as good a chance with Steelhead at Barton as anywhere on the Clack right now. There is a lot of good water from the bridge and upriver. Although with the low clear water it is quite a challenge right now. Explore and hunt 'em down!

They aren't getting many Chinook out of the Clack right now. I would focus on the summers.

If I wasn't too busy this weekend that's where I would be heading in the morning :(
Hi guys, i was wondering if you guys know of any spots good new barton park, i am going camping there on the 39, 1, and 2 of august do you think salmon/steelhead will be in there?

Don't forget that the bridge is closed for painting so I'm not sure if you can get from Barton to the other side by walking or not. Anyway, when it's open, I drive over that bridge every day going to work and I always drive over slow to take a look. If you can get over to the west side and down to the water, hike down stream about 500 yards or so until you find some good drift water. I see guys in there all the time when the fish are in.
how do i read and tell what are perfect holding water for steelhead is?

whoa... :shock: that's a big question. many have ventured to master that subject and have yet to succeed.

but if you think like a steelhead, you'll be that much closer.

for starters, it's hard work to swim up river, so any resting place is good to hold - little pockets or indentations and slots, behind and in front of bigger rocks where there's a slipstream, back eddies, etc.

but it's also dangerous to be overly exposed, especially in clear water, so any cover is also good - overhangs or fallen logs, carved embankments too.

and it's summer, so the water's warm, and not too oxygenated unless it's a bit faster, such as riffles - and safer with the broken up water's surface.

of course, i'm missing out on sooooo much more, but i hope that's a start and others will probably fill in the vast voids i've left... good luck :D
thanks for the info ninja it will help does anyone have an idea of what to use i just started drifting last year so thats what imma try, but im willing to throw out anything else i can afford in the river
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