Back in town and looking for sturgeon

Hello all! I've been at school in San Diego for the last few months and in a couple weeks I'll be back in town for winter break. I have a few days during then that I'll be able to fish for sturgeon. I don't think I'll be able to take my kayak out (there's still the possibility I'll be able to though) so I was wondering if there were any bank spots that you guys would be alright recommending. For years my go-to was the Gilbert River and it was out of there I pulled my PB 9 footer (probably more like 8 and a half but you know how it goes) but for obvious reasons I'm in need of a different area. I'd also love to fish with any of you guys if any of you are planning on going in the days leading up to or immediately after Christmas. Any advice would be appreciated!

Also if I do take my kayak I'll probably head to Swan Island because that spot has been my nemesis and it's been driving me crazy. I usually do well just downstream at Cathedral Park but at Swan Island I've gotten completely skunked almost every time I've gone there and I have no clue why. I must be doing something completely obvious that's wrong but I'm not sure.
Try Oregon City OFF the public dock. Good luck. Tony
West Linn fishing docks is my goto place. Depending on how high the water gets by the time you start fishing out here Kelly Point usually produces for me. Also if you want help with Swan Island I bank fish near Swan Island rather frequently and almost always get at least 3-4 in a couple of hours. They aren't huge but they are fun on a salmon rod. Let me know if you want details.
Mustard I've been meaning to get over to Swan Isd. to try that out in my DB. Keep me in mind I think Tony would do it too. Right Tony.
dcarbonari;n608423 said:
West Linn fishing docks is my goto place. Depending on how high the water gets by the time you start fishing out here Kelly Point usually produces for me. Also if you want help with Swan Island I bank fish near Swan Island rather frequently and almost always get at least 3-4 in a couple of hours. They aren't huge but they are fun on a salmon rod. Let me know if you want details.

That sounds good! I arrive back in down on December 17 and probably won’t be able to fish much until after the 20th so hopefully things will be looking good by then. Thanks for the help; I was a little worried nobody would respond in an Oregon fishing forum after I admitted to being a part-time “”Californicator”” haha
EOBOY;n608425 said:
Mustard I've been meaning to get over to Swan Isd. to try that out in my DB. Keep me in mind I think Tony would do it too. Right Tony.

Sounds good! It’s an interesting place but I found that even when I would fish in the exact spots others would recommend for me to try I could never produce. Same for when I tried to find my own spots. Granted it was late May so at the back end of when Willamette sturgeon fishing is typically productive but there should have still been a few biters around.
Yep! depending on weather conditions. Tony
Mustard, finally made it out to the Swan with the Fishwhisperer44 and his sons, Sunday. I always like fishing with them as it reminds me of my Dad taking us boys fishing as kids. He is just like P.A. Martin, " just do what I say! " When will they learn Dana? OH, wait till their 30 dude..........LOL. Anyway it was cold and a bit windy, but the sun was out so better than rain, right! We marked fish right away and moved up toward the mouth and joined some others but didn't have any bites so moved back to where we had marked fish. We were in the shade and that made it a bit colder so we moved out into the sun and started getting bites. Soon Bryan and Nate each had one on and the fun began. Bryan was helping the little one Dom fight his fish while Nate managed to let his get wrapped around the anchor rope. About that time I got one on and while Bry tried to get Nate's line OFF the anchor line I fought about a 4 footer to the boat.

We got all the fish turned loose and set up again, by this time it was nearing 3 so we decided to give it 30 more mins. and we would head in. About then Bry and Nate hooked up again and they were fighting their fish when Nate got wrapped around the anchor rope again. Sure enough I got another bite but this was big, real big. So Bry was once again getting Nate squared away and he pulled the anchor and we chased , or rather were pulled around the basin by the monster on the end of my line. Nate kept saying if you want I can take it, no I got it. Or it had me not sure at this point. After 35 mins. and me quickly losing steam it finally gave up. Pictures to follow as once again this site has issues with pictures
Nice fish! I'm planning on fishing cathedral park/swan island multiple times this week and hopefully a couple new spots as well. I'll probably be a little rusty but hopefully should get back into some sturgeon again.
Found them! Weather and wind were horrible but I found consistent action at Swan this morning. Plenty of fish ranging from shaker to oversize. The bigger one I'm holding was just under the 5' mark but was one of the fattest sturgeon I had ever caught. When I saw his head come up I thought he would have an extra three feet on him! All caught on pickled herring and chovies.
mustardthetrout;n608724 said:
Found them! Weather and wind were horrible.

No doubt it was, your one hardy fisherman, I wouldn't even go shopping today. hehehehe
mustardthetrout;n608724 said:
The bigger one I'm holding was just under the 5' mark but was one of the fattest sturgeon I had ever caught.

Which is a violation of regulations.

I'm sure the fish is none the worse for the wear, but that's a big ticket waiting to happen.

"It is unlawful to: Remove sturgeon greater than 54 inches fork length totally or in part from the water."

But no harm, no foul.
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DrTheopolis;n608741 said:
Which is a violation of regulations.

I'm sure the fish is none the worse for the wear, but that's a big ticket waiting to happen.

"It is unlawful to: Remove sturgeon greater than 54 inches fork length totally or in part from the water."

But no harm, no foul.

Thanks for the heads up. I always thought it was 5 feet for some reason.
Guess that those beasts don't mind, a little nasty weather. Well done!
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