Awesome day on the water!

I joined last year but was in school and got real busy with that. I finally graduated with my bachelor's this summer and was able to hit the water during a family reunion in Klamath Falls.

My brother-in-law and I hit Lake of the Woods at about 6:30 in the morning. We first tried trolling for a couple of hours. Neither of us knew what we were doing however, so we switched to worms fishing near the weedy shallows where we were told bass, perch, and rainbows hang out. All we ended up catching was a little perch. At about noon, we went over to the resort side of the lake and saw a boat slaying some large trout. We decided to join him and fished off the bottom with worms. After about 30 min with nothing but another perch to show for it, we switched to powerbait and then finally joined in the action. We ended up bring in about a dozen bows in about 2hours, and kept 7 for dinner for the family. We also saw a sweet arial battle between a bald eagle and an osprey.
This was recently? i havent been on that side of the mountain lately but from the medford side there isn't much if any snow on it.

Nice rainbows!! did u guys catch any brown trout?
We were there in mid-July. I lost my camera with the pics on it and just found it yesterday. I'm so glad I hadn't forgotten how to catch rainbows after so long a sabbatical.

We tried to fish for everything before we found the money hole. We trolled for koke's and threw lures for browns but nothing. Truthfully though, I have only caught one koke when I was younger and have never caught a brown, so I don't really know the best techniques for them.

My next task is to get into some chrome or nooks this fall.
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