Arizona Flyway


Well-known member
I'm in Chandler for Christmas with my daughter's family and we walk to the local pond ( the ones in the subdivisions are concrete and full of recycled water) We found a few flyway visitors stopping for a rest and a meal.


The pond is about the size of two football fields and I calculated there were about 150 white egrets, 50-75 ducks & a couple of herons.

Nice pics GD.

Have a terrific Christmas!

Did I see you fly casting in the background??? :shock::shock::shock:
Hope you have a good trip Gene, I miss Arizona! Oregon's way better to live in with the fishin' and all but what a great place to visit! You doing any fishing while your down there????
I'm not sure if I'll get any fishing in with two granddaughters demanding all the attention. They are 10 yr old and 5 yr old and trying to keep up with them makes me feel like I'm 105 years old. The weather could not be better though, 72 degrees and cloudy (no sunburned head this way) with no wind and plenty of food. I have half of the "honey (Daddy) do" list done and my son-in-law (Dr. Blackwel) has prepped #31 for a porcelain crown that will be in before I return home. You have to take the freebies while you can!

We will be taking a trip up to Flagstaff so they can take the girls on the "Polar Express" train that runs from FS to the Grand Canyon and back. That should be a beautiful drive from what I'm told.

Merry Christmas to all on this Winter Solstice, the days get longer from here on out.

check out some of those urban parks for bass they may be in shallow right now due to the warmer weather. My brothers in AZ right now they went to the rim and caught several nice browns today but it is snowing on them on the way out.
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