Aqua Cam Underwater Cam

Hello Everyone... I am a newbie to this forum. I am looking into getting an Underwater Aqua camera for fishing on the Columbia River. Has anyone ever tried one. I don't know if the water would be to murky to see anything. I am really interested in seeing the bottom along with the fish.

Thanks for any help.
blshelly13 said:
Hello Everyone... I am a newbie to this forum. I am looking into getting an Underwater Aqua camera for fishing on the Columbia River. Has anyone ever tried one. I don't know if the water would be to murky to see anything. I am really interested in seeing the bottom along with the fish.

Thanks for any help.

hey welcome blshelly.

i was looking into those a while back and depending on what your budget is you can get some really schnazzy ones that the "pros" use and you'd get awesome vids. but i didn't want to go there, so i went to cabela's instead. they've got some for decent $$.

hope you get one so you can share post some u/w vids here.
Thanks for the reply. At this point I am leaning towards the Aqua-Vu Explorer 7. I will keep you guys updated.
Great idea...

Great idea...

blshelly13 said:
Hello Everyone... I am a newbie to this forum. I am looking into getting an Underwater Aqua camera for fishing on the Columbia River. Has anyone ever tried one. I don't know if the water would be to murky to see anything. I am really interested in seeing the bottom along with the fish.

Thanks for any help.

Welcome to our friendly fishing home. Glad for the new interest to be shared here. Hope you have luck finding what you are after. Sounds like you and ninja have a common interest and he has a great idea about sharing the videos. Do you fish and what for? May see you out around the water someday. Be safe.
Thank you for the nice welcome.

We primarily boat and fish on the Columbia. We like to fish from spring into fall and fish for whatever will hit our line. I have only fished for trout as a youngster so I am trying to learn more about river fishing.

We love to spend most weekends on our pontoon boat so my family and I have been trying to cash in on the Northern Pike minnow bounty the last couple of years. We have had very little success and I thought maybe the underwater camera could be useful.

blshelly13 said:
Thank you for the nice welcome.

We primarily boat and fish on the Columbia. We like to fish from spring into fall and fish for whatever will hit our line. I have only fished for trout as a youngster so I am trying to learn more about river fishing.

We love to spend most weekends on our pontoon boat so my family and I have been trying to cash in on the Northern Pike minnow bounty the last couple of years. We have had very little success and I thought maybe the underwater camera could be useful.


Welcome aboard, this is a great site. I can't help with the fishing camera, bit I did spend the better part of a year trying to fish out the pike minnow down here on the eel; could not get them to take anything in my box until I tried nightcrawlers on a #6 or 8 hook; caught the heck out of 'em! redworms didn't even work, just nightcrawlers.
Thanks for the nice welcome.

Quick question. Where is the "Eel?". Is that within the bounty program?
blshelly13 said:
Thanks for the nice welcome.

Quick question. Where is the "Eel?". Is that within the bounty program?

nope, sorry. I'm a foreigner from another country called california and just a nut about fishing. visiting portland (again)for two weeks to see my daughter, her husband, and our new first grandbaby.
One place where almost notin but squaws and suckers run very strong is the tualatin river. I dunno if it counts for the bounty though. Lots o them, especially in may, when the suckers are in. Bottom fishin with any worms, roe (dont use your "fancy" steelhead/salmon fishin roe), almost any bait like that will work. Beware though, that river is snag-city. You'll probably catch more twigs than fish... if you are me... ;)
There's a guy on that other forum that starts with "I" who uses his cam a lot in the clear water of Lake Merwin. He probably has tested it in other places also that are not so clear. I would suggest going there and PM'ing him for a little info and experience before you spend the bucks on that camera. His name is "adobe wall" and you'll find him most often in the trout forum. He's always helpful and eager to share his experiments with his camera and kokanee fishing.

Water clarity has a lot to do with what you can see. As someone who has been scuba diving in stained to dirty water, as well as someone who has used the water cam's while ice fishing in MinnICEsota, I can tell ya that there is not any given lens that will clear up the murkiness in the water. Unless you've got an ultraviolet camera or a camera that can pick up the infrared signals... then you may have a chance... but then you're also looking at way too much money to consider.

I have an underwater fish camera and it works just fine where there is little current and is shallow. takes great pictures.

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