Anyone fishing NFR lately?

dude young
Am planning on heading out tomorrow and am tossing around either NFR or Hagg Lake. I am pretty familiar with Hagg at this point, but have yet to fish the 'Res'.

Thoughts? I see that it is not on the stocking sched. for some time, but is there a decent hold over population? Is it even open right now?

Never mind. Not open until May 22. Would have been nice to be there all by myself though.
I'd risk it. All those fish you'd catch would be worth the jail time.
I was thinking of fishing the bank on the north end.. I here the lakes been stocked with trout.. Any ideas on bait or should this ol girl just use hotdogs?? LOL
loislane said:
I was thinking of fishing the bank on the north end.. I here the lakes been stocked with trout.. Any ideas on bait or should this ol girl just use hotdogs?? LOL

try some worms and powerbait products. and toss some panther martins :D
Thank You.. Took a drive out there today pooring down raining.. Slogging threw the mud.. Had the place to my self.. The lakes back up to levels aging.. was terrible low last year.. Thanks again.. I have lots of night crawlers in my yard.. I bet they will be a tasty treat..
loislane said:
Thank You.. Took a drive out there today pooring down raining.. Slogging threw the mud.. Had the place to my self.. The lakes back up to levels aging.. was terrible low last year.. Thanks again.. I have lots of night crawlers in my yard.. I bet they will be a tasty treat..

Ummm hello the lake is closed, I sure as heck hope you weren't fishing there today. Obviously you didn't read this thread or the freakin regulations!
No its open the lake has been open for a month and the just restocked it with steal head from the hatchery.. Havent caught anything dosent mean I wont give it a go..
SORRY North Fork Reservoir does not open up till MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND! It's been like that every year that I can remember. Also it has NOT been stocked and won't be stocked unitl May 17th

4. North Fork Reservoir upstream to
Milepost 32 on Hwy. 224
• Open May 22-Oct. 31.
• Only adipose fin-clipped trout may be taken, 5 per day.

ODFW - 2010 Trout Stocking Schedule - North Willamette Watershed District
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wow the little gal in the information booth must have been wrong.. wont catch anything now but cold.. Think I'll catch some coastal fish...Maybe go out on a boat yes with tags and License..
Lois, Beaverfan is quite correct. NFR doesn't open until late May.

We prefer to meet you on the water, and not at the crowbar hotel! lol

P.S. If I were you...I'd have a nice long "chat" with the "little gal" at the information booth. She obviously is CLUELESS!
it is closed to let the native salmon and steelhead run down the river thats why from may 22 to october 31 you can only keep fin clipped trout
NO faraday has steelhead stocked we do that every year i work for the hatchery that stocks those fish some come from eagle creek the rest come from the main clackamas
I Just went today, they got stocked this week. got there, just bbq-ing, ready for a no catch day. Casted out, 1 fish.
Then things got interesting. We threw on some Power Eggs, and the fish were biting. Cast out, and within a minute we caught a fish.
Needless to say, we limited out
Headed there with some friends tomorrow morning. We are also going to hit up Faraday on the way. Will post results later tomorrrow.
Caught 5 bow's and everyone else limited but nothing too big to brag about. Green power eggs on bottom did it from 8am - 130pm.
Mattdm22 said:
Headed there with some friends tomorrow morning. We are also going to hit up Faraday on the way. Will post results later tomorrrow.[/Quote

Hey did u guys stop by Faraday today if u did i was the punk kid at the end of the dam driving the old honda accord
We were going to but decided against it. We hit up Harriet then headed to North Fork for the rest of the day.

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