Anyone been fishing Timothy Lake this year?

:think: Planning a trip to Timothy this weekend w/boat to fish, but not sure if it's too early or not, with all the snow that's been falling up there.....Any feedback would be helpful.....road and fishing conditions....Thanks..
Timothy will be snowed in for a while still. They got like 5 feet or more of snow last week. I doubt you'd be able to get into there with a boat until mid to late May.
Thanks for response...I was afraid of that...

Thanks for response...I was afraid of that...

Does anyone know where I can put a small boat in a lake around portland area to fish for trout, bass, etc ? I hear fish at hagg have a bacterial skin problem, so would rather not go there...
North Fork Res. out of Estacada would be good but not sure when it opens. This month I believe.
The fish in Hagg are just fine. Try Harriet Lake, no gas motors though but lots of great fishing. If you want Bass I would say either Hagg or Vernonia Pond.
OnTheFly said:
North Fork Res. out of Estacada would be good but not sure when it opens. This month I believe.

I believe that North Fork opens up yearly on Memorial Day.

Mmfh said:
I believe that North Fork opens up yearly on Memorial Day.


Wow. That's too long to wait. Perhaps try Silver Creek res. in Silverton or as beaverfan suggested Harriet. (5mph motor boat speed limit on Harriet. don't tell Jay lol.)
I went toward North Fork last week the signs said it opens late May.
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