Anybody have any luck on the upper Wilson lately?

I'm getting off work early today, and since I have no plans, I'm heading West and thought I would try some of the upper river holes on the Wilson. Has anyone heard of anything being caught that high yet? I'm hoping that these splashes of rain might push a few salmon higher up.
I was out this past Sunday below the bridge at Keenig Creek. Didn't have any luck (don't let that put you off, I'm generally a poor fisherman), I saw a handful of salmon but they were all very dark and certainly nothing you'd want to keep.
I was out Sunday (10/9) with my daughter. We started abit south of the Forestry Center and hit spots all the way down to the Siskeyville boat launch. I didn't see any salmon, but we did have fun with cutties though. Nearly every place we stopped we hooked at least a couple.
Hit the water at MM 20.5 at about 4:00 this afternoon. That's a long, deep stretch that sometimes holds fish but nothing today.

Then headed down to about MM 18 and trekked down that steep slope to the water. I fished that hole for about 40 minutes, but nothing to show for it except some little trout picking at my roe.

Then I snagged on the bottom and lost my setup. It was then that I realized that I left my tackle box at home...'doh! So that put a quick end to my day.

The water has risen a bit and has some color now, and actually looks pretty good, but no signs of any salmon yet. Nothing rolling, and I couldn't see anything moving either.
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