Another great day along the Newport jetties

Another great day fishing along the Newport jetties on Monday. Absolutely flat windless day, minimal tidal changes, incoming tide and the black rockfish were numerous and apparently hungry. While I have a larger boat, it's very satisfying to catch a limit of bottomfish and burn less than a gallon of gas with the 14 foot Gregor "tinnie". Sorry about all the blood and gore in the picture, I'm a firm believer in bleeding fish and immediately icing them (soft drink bottle is full of ice). I left the dock at 0630 and was back to the ramp by 0830. Released another half dozen or so smaller fish as well.
good day along the jetty at newport.jpg
Another great day fishing along the Newport jetties on Monday. Absolutely flat windless day, minimal tidal changes, incoming tide and the black rockfish were numerous and apparently hungry. While I have a larger boat, it's very satisfying to catch a limit of bottomfish and burn less than a gallon of gas with the 14 foot Gregor "tinnie". Sorry about all the blood and gore in the picture, I'm a firm believer in bleeding fish and immediately icing them (soft drink bottle is full of ice). I left the dock at 0630 and was back to the ramp by 0830. Released another half dozen or so smaller fish as well. View attachment 639396
Another great day fishing along the Newport jetties on Monday. Absolutely flat windless day, minimal tidal changes, incoming tide and the black rockfish were numerous and apparently hungry. While I have a larger boat, it's very satisfying to catch a limit of bottomfish and burn less than a gallon of gas with the 14 foot Gregor "tinnie". Sorry about all the blood and gore in the picture, I'm a firm believer in bleeding fish and immediately icing them (soft drink bottle is full of ice). I left the dock at 0630 and was back to the ramp by 0830. Released another half dozen or so smaller fish as well. View attachment 639396
hang on, where are the lingcod? lol

nice job.
You know, I didn't even try for lings. The fishing for rockfish was so good, the blacks were all caught midwater (10-15 feet down...or less), were nice sized, and with the rod I was using (light), there just didn't seem to be much chance to get a ling. Plus a limit of rockfish by 0830 meant I could retrieve my boat in the lull at the ramp after the ocean guys had pretty much all launched. There wasn't a single boat at the ramp when I took out, which for Newport, is BIG. I was by far the smallest boat I saw Monday, but being able to take a limit of rockfish out of a 14 footer and only burn a gallon of gas is kind of a reward too. Only boat at the docks was a huge zodiac with a bunch of folks in dry suits waiting to take off. I had to ask, because the ocean was dead flat, what they were doing since they looked prepared for a gale...they were going out 25 miles to look for blue whales. I've seen grays and humpbacks out there, but never a blue....that would be truly awesome. Ocean all depth bottom fishing starts Sept 1, I'll get the bigger boat out then and try west of the Pile for them then, I know there are lings around the jetties, but they tend to be small and not particularly numerous in the summer months since they don't really move inshore until the winter spawn.
I wish I had seen this earlier. My tuna trip got canceled but I already had the motel room so I dragged the boat up there and fished Waldport. Would have loved to hit the jetty at daylight then Waldport later. Nex time....

Great job and thanks for the report.
I wish I had seen this earlier. My tuna trip got canceled but I already had the motel room so I dragged the boat up there and fished Waldport. Would have loved to hit the jetty at daylight then Waldport later. Nex time....

Great job and thanks for the report.
Just out of curiousity, how did Waldport fish?
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