Alsea traps are LOADED with fish!

Well-known member
Hmm guess you can't really see much, but there were a ton in there!


I got the skinny on that, 214 fish in the last two days. Definetly wont be fishin it when it drops into shape.;)I got to help milk some dinky siletz natives that were only 14-18 lbs. I'm thinking the canyon might be fun when the water clears there.
So what's the deal with those traps? What they are for? And what happen to fish that got into them?


The hatchery has a trap at that the fish swim into to get into the hatchery. Once they are there they are stripped of the spawn for the next generation. The males are killed and used to fertilize the river and provide food for smaolts to eat. The females are tucked down river and will hopefully come back and spawn again.
So I shouldnt be happy about 214 fish in the traps - it means 214 potential hook ups less, huh? :(
Anatoliy said:
So I shouldnt be happy about 214 fish in the traps - it means 214 potential hook ups less, huh? :(

Pretty much haha. But it's also about a gajillion more potential fish in the future so it's a give and take.. :D The hardest part is not dropping a line in. I mean just for a second... They wouldn't notice.. If you were quick...... :cool::cool:
The alsea has the highest catch rate of the streams around here. Also their steelhead are hybrid, the winter run will go from november (when the wheather isn't wacked out like this year) till march or april.. Hopefully i can talk wifey into letting me drive up there this weekend, i believe you can fish right across the street from the hatchery there, neat stream, most catch them on egg fly patterns, if you have a day grab a rod and drive out there its pretty nice
Speaking of Quick

Speaking of Quick

GraphiteZen said:
Pretty much haha. But it's also about a gajillion more potential fish in the future so it's a give and take.. :D The hardest part is not dropping a line in. I mean just for a second... They wouldn't notice.. If you were quick...... :cool::cool:

At the hatchery yesterday they Kept counting these fish over and over....They have had 12 go missing since 3 days ago. Was it a snatch or did they just escape?
there should still be fish?

there should still be fish?

I have actually never made it down to the beautiful Alsea, but just because over 200 fish made it into the traps, that shouldn't mean the fishing won't be good, right? I say that only because I know the winter steelhead run on the Alsea is well into the thousands. Unfortunately ODFW only has their data on winters from 1980-1985, and A LOT has changed since then. But back then the hatchery run averaged over 10,000 and the wild run over 2,000. I would think there's still A LOT of fish in that river.
Check out this site to get historic fish counts from the Alsea.
Im sorry to change the subject but your PETA signature got me to go to there website. They are pretty much against all fishing, I am pretty sure this is not something you promote is it? Below is a letter they have already have written for everyone to send to the FWS. Extremest bullshit!

The Fish and Wildlife Service's promotion of fishing is a glaring contradiction of its mission. Neurobiologists tell us that fish have nervous systems that comprehend and respond to pain, and that, when it comes to the ability to feel pain, fish are just like dogs, cats, and all other animals. Dr. Donald Broom, a scientific advisor to the British government, explains, "The scientific literature is quite clear. Anatomically, physiologically and biologically, the pain system in fish is virtually the same as in birds and mammals." Scientists have created a detailed map of pain receptors in fish's mouths and all over their bodies.

In light of these facts, I urge you to do the right thing by adhering to the FWS' stated mission to protect fish. Stop your department's promotion of fishing! I urge you to instead advocate nonviolent pastimes, such as bird-watching, canoeing, or hiking.
Back on Track

Back on Track

Well, there is some good news. Hope the trend continues. Now the circus is going to start. I wouldn't say the pressure has been too bad yet, I have seen a few people out and about while fishing the Alsea the last couple weeks, but I have a feeling there will be a lot more this weekend. I might have to take Fri off to hit the water, gotta love COMP time. If anyone is interested in hitting the Alsea or Siletz this weekend and would like some company, let me know. Good luck to everyone this weekend and tight lines.

I don't think GraphiteZen is going to give up fishing, or even intentially imply it, I think his signature has more to do with the visual, then the implied meaning. Sure, kinda "edgy", but I believe harmless.
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You Know?

You Know?

The hardest part is not dropping a line in. I mean just for a second... They wouldn't notice.. If you were quick......
It's pretty funny you say that. I was up there a few weekends ago to check out the numbers on my way back, and I happend to notice a large Vibrax Spinner in the corner of the trap. It was sitting in the very corner.
12 hens

12 hens

Twelve hens went missing from the hatchery a few days ago. I was up there yesterday and it was combat fishing at it's finest. Literally one to two guys in every whole, a couple half drunk and really beligerent.
Of course I support Sea Kittens!!!!! How could anyone who has ever thought for even one iota the pain and MISERY inflicted on our poor defenseless Sea Kitty friends when a hook is so maliciously RIPPED through their poor little gummy gums, NOT STAND UP TO ALL AND DEFEND THEIR KITTY WAYS AND THEIR CUTE LITTLE KITTY SELVES that are RELENTLESSLY being VICTIMIZED by these HEARTLESS WRANGLER-ANGLERS!!!!!!!!!! Sea Lions are one thing but Sea Kittens!?!?!
GraphiteZen said:
Of course I support Sea Kittens!!!!! How could anyone who has ever thought for even one iota the pain and MISERY inflicted on our poor defenseless Sea Kitty friends when a hook is so maliciously RIPPED through their poor little gummy gums, NOT STAND UP TO ALL AND DEFEND THEIR KITTY WAYS AND THEIR CUTE LITTLE KITTY SELVES that are RELENTLESSLY being VICTIMIZED by these HEARTLESS WRANGLER-ANGLERS!!!!!!!!!! Sea Lions are one thing but Sea Kittens!?!?!

Oh I get it, sarcasm. AR AR
Mmmmmmmmmm sea kittens. I'm all for the slaughter of sea kittens. Haha damn PETA is hilarious.
Lower sandy

Lower sandy

Talked to my guide friend! Dan christopher with quality fishing guide service, they hooked 17 steelies yesturday in the lower river, stark street bridge and down from there, side drifting. Just thought i would pass the word on, that little shot of rain must have brought another push of fish in the river!!!!!

Dan christopher
quality fishing adventures
503-491-9793 or 503-880-4543

i would highly recomend this guy i have caught a lot of fish with him and learned a lot from him.
All I am saying is if they had the way there would be NO FISHING. I know you like to bonk fish graphite and these people would rather you die than fish.
Well uhm Im pretty sure the North Fork's gonna be PACKED with people this weekend. So dont go. Stay home... Not worth it. They're all dark.

Oh and p.s.... about the Peta thing.. Why on earth would a fisherman/woman belong to Peta??? They are against EVERYTHING hunting and or fishing.
Thats by far the weirdest thing I've ever seen... it's hypocritical. :lol:


Mike123 said:
Well uhm Im pretty sure the North Fork's gonna be PACKED with people this weekend. So dont go. Stay home... Not worth it. They're all dark.

So Mike,
Which hole will you be at?:think:

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