Accident on the Clackamas River!

I Grade
I just have to mention here that I witnessed quite a chilling and scary scene on the Clack today. I was fishing a popular tail-out right above some serious rapids that the locals call 'the minefield' that runs about 1/8 mile. 3 overweight and drunk men were anchored up above this piece of dangerous water and were yelling and screaming at anyone that casted near their 'honey hole'. I think several of the guys on the bank were saying 'instant karma' under their breath LOL. They had no lifejackets on or even accessible in the small boat. It was a recipe for disaster..... the men sloppily sloshed water over one side of the boat and that was it. They attempted to correct it by rocking the other way and the boat began to sink FAST. 2 of the men were whisked downstream and through the length of the 'minefield' while one of them made a quick swim for shore. The Clackamas River Rescue team was there in about 15 minutes and quickly retrieved the men that didn't make it to shore immediately. It was a very sobering and harsh reminder that if you are careless and irresponsible.....mother nature will hand you a hard lesson at times. The obvious lesson here is....don't drink and boat. Also a BONUS jackets are a nice invention.

Careful Angling!

I Grade
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Luckily this happened during a weekend, when there are people to report such events. There have been more than one boat already this year to get at least swampd in the Minefield. Dangerous water if you don't have your ducks in a row. My thermo in the lower Clack read 41.95 degrees. Not icy, but hypothermia sets in very quickly.
Saw this on this morning. Nice to get an eye witness account though!

Hopefully they learned a lesson.... :rolleyes:
Wen't to cross park this evening and I bealive another boat may have gone down there. While fishing I saw a lot of stuff floating down like bags, cups as well as 4 or 5 pfd's. The paramedics were there but I couldn't get a good luck as they were up at high rocks where everyone swims. Hope everyone is okay. Be safe out there ya'll.
i know those guys and i just got off the phone with one of em didn't say much but got their boat todayand lost a lot of gear
There was a river rafting group today that got hung up on a piling, and they all panicked and moved to one side. It then flipped over and the occupants, as well as two kids, under age 4 went in, they were the only ones wearing life jackets. This is a dangerous time of year for those who don't know the Clack, or have little experience.
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