A note to boaters

if you haven't floated the drift between oxbow and dabney lately..I want to let you know there is a big tree down and blocking almost the whole river about a 1/2 mile up from Dabney.

everyone I talked to today said they got surprised:shock:(and not in a good way)with it

It is passable(obviously) one boat said they bailed out and walked their boat over it...I rode it out and kinda let the current suck me around it, but I was by myself and not hauling a whole lot of gear.

It has probably been there awhile but at about 2000 ft/sec.(Bull Run gauge) its kind of sketchy.

just wanted to let you all know
Yep it's in the lower end of the Angelos section if it's the tree I'm thinking about, could get iffy in water any lower than it is.
Wow.. there is also a tree down across the river below big bend below dabney... blocking the main flow.. the current flows faster then you can row to get around it.. the other route around the tree isn't possible with the river this low without running a ground left and right.. if the river was another foot higher you could take another route.. but it's hairy right now (and last weekend).. thanks for the heads up..
justNorthofya said:
if you haven't floated the drift between oxbow and dabney lately..I want to let you know there is a big tree down and blocking almost the whole river about a 1/2 mile up from Dabney.

everyone I talked to today said they got surprised:shock:(and not in a good way)with it

It is passable(obviously) one boat said they bailed out and walked their boat over it...I rode it out and kinda let the current suck me around it, but I was by myself and not hauling a whole lot of gear.

It has probably been there awhile but at about 2000 ft/sec.(Bull Run gauge) its kind of sketchy.

just wanted to let you all know
Darn nice of you to post that warning. What time did you go by the Greek Hole and what do you have for a drift boat. Just curious because I was fishing there with Ninja and talked to a lot of folks drifting. Wondered if we talked to you. We were there from about 9 to 3 swining flies.
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I was floating by myself in a aluminum Willies I talked to a few guys that were fly fishing...I am not sure where the "greek hole" is
justNorthofya said:
I was floating by myself in a aluminum Willies I talked to a few guys that were fly fishing...I am not sure where the "greek hole" is

It's at river mile 8. Its down river from the power lines. On your river right when you are coming into the are there will be a bunch of exposed standing snaggs that have been under the sand for years. The area has a couple of names "Greek Camp or Angelos Camp". We did see you go by. I remember admiring your Willy Boat. It was the only Willy Boat I saw that day and there was only one person in it. We didn't speak as you were on the far side of the river.
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just so you know I wasn't being unsociable...I always try to stay off any fish if possible, next time I'll be sure to wave
Much appreciated. I was impressed by the kind folks drifting the river on Saturday. Absolute co-operation between the boats and bank fishing folks. When I drift I try to do the same thing. It was a real pleasant day with folks getting along very well.
I was also floating by in my old white lavro with a buzzard painted on the front. Talked to a number of lucky bank fisherman. A guy and his son showed me a bright 5 pounder they had landed minutes before I went by. I was not so lucky... That log WAS a pain in the a**! I'll probably bail out and walk around it if the water is lower next time.
Our reports made theguidesforcast lol
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justNorthofya boy you were not kidding about that tree . It's still there and the water was a wee bit lower today. What a pain. Had to work to get across it. Ninja and I floated the Oxbow to Dabney trip todat and had a great time. We were usuing spey rods and swining those flies. All went well until we got to the log. It really wasn' t that bad but I was suprised it was still across the whole river. The guy after us roaped his boat across.
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Sounds like I will be waiting to do that drift... how do you get around it?
eggs said:
Sounds like I will be waiting to do that drift... how do you get around it?
You need to pull your boat to the side (river left) get out of the boat and use you bow line to rope your boat over the log. The key is spotting the log before it's to late. It's right after the greek hole just before the river turns to the left. The only thing you see from up river is what looks like a root wad. If you have Google Earth its at GPS....45.30.81 122.20.13. Holly smokes I did it here are some pictures. When you see that rooot wad from up river get ready to pull to the side.;)
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Irishrover said:
justNorthofya boy you were not kidding about that tree . It's still there and the water was a wee bit lower today. What a pain. Had to work to get across it. Ninja and I floated the Oxbow to Dabney trip todat and had a great time. We were usuing spey rods and swining those flies. All went well until we got to the log. It really wasn' t that bad but I was suprised it was still across the whole river. The guy after us roaped his boat across.

no, its not TOO BAD for experienced oarsmen...I think I'll be using my rope next time though
just a little curious, with the amout of traffic on the sandy don't any of you guys do any river maintanance? I float much smaller rivers and have a core group of about 4 boats... we all carry saws... im really suprised this tree is still there. I know cutting trees in rivers can be dangerous, but it can be done safely with patience.
thats a great thought ..is it legal?
justNorthofya said:
thats a great thought ..is it legal?

on a navigable river it is and since the sandy is considered a navigable river it can be maintained
well, I don't have a saw that would be proper for that...but I would be more than willing to provide transportation and a strong back to help get that sucker outta there to make the river safe for everyone
Every since I saw the movie Sometimes a Great Notion cutting logs in water gives me the willies. No real tide on the Sandy though.:lol: That bank drops off real quikly there and it's deep water all the way across. Any suggestions on how to make a safe cut? Such as face cut on down river side finall cut on the up river side?
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I would be willing to help remove it later this week.... wens thurs... I have a saw, chain hoist and safety gear, need a guy who knows how to aproach it and mabe 1 other brave/stupid grunt.

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