90" of sturg in 5 minutes....


Well-known member
well headed out to the channel today, fished from 9-11 with only two shakers, one was the smallest sturgeon Ive ever caught, slid down to a money hole and met up with sndslgr and watched him punish 2 keepers in five minutes! so I shot some pictures of him. saw around 15 boats and all of them seemed to have a tail stickin up out of the water..... exept mine:( I told myself this year 50" was my self implied keeper limit.... might be settin the sights a little high, good job sndslgr.:clap:
Dang!! Man I wish I could have gone.. :clap:
That is one of my New years goals of 2010 is to catch a keeper sturgy!

Looks like Ima be broke till next weekend.. :(
I was at St. John's from 7-4 today and the biggest one we got was only 31"! The ODFW guy said people did good upriver from the RR bridge and a guide got ticketed for keeping a 37" sturgeon from the Toyota hole.
Thanks for the pics HHM, it got better after you had to split. 44,43, and two 39.


(my buddy had to get going so I was holding his for the pic)
did you move up to where I called you from? Bam! pretty little maids all in a row, gonna have to rename the thread 200 lbs of sturg in 5 hrs! Man I was wet and cold..... first time Ive really appreciated the heated seats in my truck:D
My fishing buddy and I have decided that we're going to fish all 22 miles of of the Multnomah Channel next Saturday. Oh yes...these sturgeon have started it. It's personal now.
Damn Bro. Thats a lot of keepers. Im suprised you dident get one brad? You being the better fisherman and all. ;) Joking. Im sure SNDSLGR is good too. Haha

Great work though. :clap:
Damn Bro. Thats a lot of keepers. Im suprised you dident get one brad? You being the better fisherman and all. ;) Joking. Im sure SNDSLGR is good too. Haha

Great work though. :clap:

actually T.B there is a good lesson in this day of fishing, I got there first, was catching shakers and sndslgr arrived, we fished 10 ft apart for about 20-30 minutes, I kept thinkng....move, but the little bites made me go against my own rules, sndslgr on the other hand.... moved, banged 2 keepers instantly.. perfectly played keeper hunting. So, I moved over and we tied together, 20 minutes go by and Im feeling the call of some shallower water, but again... ignored it... about an hour later I said my fairwell and headed to a pretty good keeper spot, dropped my bait bam... missed, five minutes later action again.... then my phone rings and the microwave is on fire at home... pull anchor and leave.. I did nothing right today... I even stepped in over my waders trailering my boat on the way home, But it was an awsome day, saw my friend do Everything right..... and I don't mind no fish, becouse im looking for only ONE fish.... and it is earned
actually T.B there is a good lesson in this day of fishing, I got there first, was catching shakers and sndslgr arrived, we fished 10 ft apart for about 20-30 minutes, I kept thinkng....move, but the little bites made me go against my own rules, sndslgr on the other hand.... moved, banged 2 keepers instantly.. perfectly played keeper hunting. So, I moved over and we tied together, 20 minutes go by and Im feeling the call of some shallower water, but again... ignored it... about an hour later I said my fairwell and headed to a pretty good keeper spot, dropped my bait bam... missed, five minutes later action again.... then my phone rings and the microwave is on fire at home... pull anchor and leave.. I did nothing right today... I even stepped in over my waders trailering my boat on the way home, But it was an awsome day, saw my friend do Everything right..... and I don't mind no fish, becouse im looking for only ONE fish.... and it is earned

man seems like it was a great day of fishing anyways! you told me they where bitting lol but I decided to use my day pass to go trout fishing :P next time I'll go sturgeon once I get the gear lol.
Awesome pics. Great job. I love sturgeon fishing; 83incher last year (c&r) was my best. I took my daughter and her fam last year on the Willamete; limits for all and they absolutely loved it. Its a hoot! I got some eel from xtreme and just waiting to use em.
Ive had days like that too. Ive learned to Listen to my gut. ALWAYS! I was once fishing for bass off my dads boat and it was a slow day. I just looked at a fallen tree and kept looking at it and looking at it. I finally made a cast and I caught 4 nice smallies that day. Almost my limit.

Thanks for the story. :D
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