4:20 A.B. Update

I hit the AB Canal today, and wanted to give an update.

First, if someone wants to show me how to fish a wooly bugger one of these days, I would be grateful; I have had absolutely no luck with them in the RT Pond, or anywhere else for that matter. Today was no different: I threw streamers all around that pond from 3:30 - 5:00, and didn't even get a nibble.

At 5:00 I went East of the freeway, and fished a nymph, and had one of the best 45 minutes of fishing of my life. Between the rain, and the low sun, I hooked up with roughly ten fish, and I likely lost another 4.

There are tons of fish in that little canal, and they were all over my stonefly nymph today.

Have fun,




Nice job. I thought most of the fish would be out of that area by now. I might have to go poke around there tomorrow. I'm guessing you were over there by Autzen then?
Oh ok, thanks. I don't think I've been over in that area yet, I might have to go do some exploring today. When they stocked in the park there was a fisherman asking the stockers if they stocked anywhere else and I didn't hear what they said, but I heard the fisherman say "oh, by D street". So maybe where you were was it, not sure. Thanks for the info, I might go check it out today.
They throw fish in at the tip top of the canal by the D Street boat launch. I think lots of those fishies head to the pond, but quite a few of them kick it East of the freeway: my favorite place in the park.
Nice job, looks like you had fun. I love how your wife is holding the wooly bugger, that's how I usually feel. "No fish but look at my lure"
I have used every color in the book with little effect: i.e. not even a tug. I am sure that if I stuck it out that I would get a feel for it, but so far nothing.

I think that afternoon, my wife had a purple #6 tied on, and I had a olive body brown tail. Like I said in the OP, if someone ever wants to teach a mini-course on Wooly Bugger technique, I would be stoked.
I've never used them on a flyrod before only with a sliding float(the kind you fill with water about 3/4 full) cast and retrieve very slow.
I think (although I am the furthest thing from an expert on the subject) that its the same deal with the fly rod. Floating line, you cast out, and employ a random 3-5" retrieve, until it is close, and then do it again.

I have read tons of articles on the technique, but haven't ever had any luck putting it to use. someday I will break the drought, and then it will be my favorite technique. That is what happened to me once I started catching fish on nymphs.
I used to fly fish about 15 years ago and I don't think I had much luck with wooly buggers on my fly rod. I think it's time to get another reel and give it a try.
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