1 trillion dollar prize

Well-known member
as some of you may know, Pautzke bait company is offering a 10,000 prize to Oregon and Idaho anglers that break the current state records for steelhead ( Or, 35.8 lb in 1973 Idaho 30.3 lb in 1970 both natives ) with their bait, only hatchery fish count... in washington 28lbs wins you $5000... so with such a realistic, not at all a ****ing gimmick contest halibuthitman wants to get in on the action... soooo, I will give 1 trillion dollars to anyone who breaks these records with a hatchery fish in the same time period... no wait... I will give the d-bags at Pautzkes 1 trillion dollars if anyone breaks one of these records by lets say... hhhmmmm 2.5 lbs? wow pautzkes.. what a joke of a promo:rolleyes:
oh, p.s your cure sucks my grandpa made better roe with raspberry jello powder and borax...
halibuthitman said:
oh, p.s your cure sucks my grandpa made better roe with raspberry jello powder and borax...

:D:lol:;):cool::dance::clap::think::think::think:cheap off brands of jello raspberry work well, like cheap beer for beer batter!
Im sweetening the deal, anyone who catches a greatwhite shark over 97 ft in the alse river on a mini inferno lure wins 47 trillion dollars.. ok, i,ll include the Rogue but only above tidewater.........
halibuthitman said:
as some of you may know, Pautzke bait company is offering a 10,000 prize to Oregon and Idaho anglers that break the current state records for steelhead ( Or, 35.8 lb in 1973 Idaho 30.3 lb in 1970 both natives ) with their bait, only hatchery fish count... in washington 28lbs wins you $5000... so with such a realistic, not at all a ****ing gimmick contest halibuthitman wants to get in on the action... soooo, I will give 1 trillion dollars to anyone who breaks these records with a hatchery fish in the same time period... no wait... I will give the d-bags at Pautzkes 1 trillion dollars if anyone breaks one of these records by lets say... hhhmmmm 2.5 lbs? wow pautzkes.. what a joke of a promo:rolleyes:

Brad, you are so right on.
halibuthitman said:
Im sweetening the deal, anyone who catches a greatwhite shark over 97 ft in the alse river on a mini inferno lure wins 47 trillion dollars.. ok, i,ll include the Rogue but only above tidewater.........

sounds like a good scene for a movie called "a river ran amuck through it"
would an octopuss work caught at the Ghosthole? a BIG octopuss?
sidehillwinder said:
would an octopuss work caught at the Ghosthole? a BIG octopuss?

I will give someone $5 buck for that.. becouse I want someone to win SOMETHING here!
oh crap... hey Pautzkes, I just remembered I don't use roe for steelhead.. why? BECOUSE THEY WILL EAT YARN FROM MY GRANDMAS BASEMENT IDIOTS!
Yeah, that promo is weak. and cheap. about like Cabela's prize this past summer. a million dollars for a bass or trout caught with the right tag. the 1,000,000 was to be paid out over 50 years. Fifty years!
FIFTY YEARS! Egadzooks. G'night Brad.
why do these companies have to jerk my friends around? it hurts me to watch-
halibuthitman said:
oh crap... hey Pautzkes, I just remembered I don't use roe for steelhead.. why? BECOUSE THEY WILL EAT YARN FROM MY GRANDMAS BASEMENT IDIOTS!

rofl my motha ******* arse OFF!

That reminds me, gotta call granny!
sidehillwinder said:
Yeah, that promo is weak. and cheap. about like Cabela's prize this past summer. a million dollars for a bass or trout caught with the right tag. the 1,000,000 was to be paid out over 50 years. Fifty years!

Seriously? Do you know what that works out to be!!!

$1,000,000.00 / 50 years = 200,000.00 per year

$200,000 per year / 12 months in a year = $1,666.67 per month

Normally you get paid twice per month, unless you work for the state or some other once a month company. So......

$1,666.67 per month / 2 times per month = $833.34 per check twice a month.

Two week pay period

$833.34 / 2 weeks = $416.67 per week

40 hour work week

$416.67 / 40 = $10.42 per hour.

The math don't lie!!!!

Ummm...Spydey...If I'm not mistaken...

I do believe that your calculations are OFF by a bit.

If you receive $200,000.00 for 5 years, you would have the 1 million (200 x 5). So, the winner would only get $20,000.00 per year (1,000,000 / 50).

But, you still came up with the correct figure for a monthly receipts anyway ($1,666.67). How did you do that???

:think: :think: :think: :think: :think: :think:
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these promos are nothing more then scams,,,just like the 1million dollar cabelas fish,,there is no such fish.
halibuthitman said:
oh, p.s your cure sucks my grandpa made better roe with raspberry jello powder and borax...

In my 34 years of steelhead fishing I have become a firm believer that steelhead prefer strawberry jello....I'm not kidding!!! ;) :lol:
troutdude said:
Ummm...Spydey...If I'm not mistaken...

I do believe that your calculations are OFF by a bit.

If you receive $200,000.00 for 5 years, you would have the 1 million (200 x 5). So, the winner would only get $20,000.00 per year (1,000,000 / 50).

But, you still came up with the correct figure for a monthly receipts anyway ($1,666.67). How did you do that???

:think: :think: :think: :think: :think: :think:

Opps, my bad. I meant to type in 20,000.00 in both instances above, but typed in 200,000.00. Yet I calculated everything by 20,000.00 on my calcamapater. Just a little typo on my end. :lol:

but still, that is crazy that they expect to have people chasing fish for a promo that really doesn't exist (the fish doesn't exist) or is near impossible to catch.

the things some companies will do just to get a buck. What ever happened to good old elbow grease, a good name that was earned by good hardwork, honest customer relationship and service, as well as a sound product. Oh how priorities have changed in just the last 50 - 60 years. Sad, so sad. :(

Crap! I'm out off the running because I don't even know how to use the stuff.;)
halibuthitman said:
oh, p.s your cure sucks my grandpa made better roe with raspberry jello powder and borax...

No joke.
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