Recent content by Fishnbuck

  1. Fishnbuck

    Salmon River(Lincoln Co.) steelhead

    You did see that Chinook is Aug 1 - Dec 31, right?
  2. Fishnbuck

    Lakes Henry Hagg Lake Fishing Reports

    Great write-up. Glad to hear you had a rewarding trip, H.H. had not been treating you well. Good quality fish!
  3. Fishnbuck

    Lakes Henry Hagg Lake Fishing Reports

    Sorry to hear about the continued mistreatment you have been receiving from H.H. I made my way out to Detroit this past Sunday with good success. If it's not too much of a haul for you maybe we can get together out there in a week or two
  4. Fishnbuck

    A new kayak and a fishing report

    Thanks for the info, guess I'll have to stay ashore until late spring while I restore the discretionary fund.
  5. Fishnbuck

    A new kayak and a fishing report

    Bass - Glad to see you back at it again, love your reports. Would like to get out on the water with you some time. How do you layer for this time of year? I finally let the wife buy me a kayak this fall that I have only had out twice because I concerned about being ill-equipped in the event I...
  6. Fishnbuck

    Aaron Mercer Reservoir

    Thanks for the clarification :thumb: ​​​​​​I have at least 2 more trips to WOU to transfer my daughter's stuff before summer break, so hopefully I can make it out there. If not, she returns in the fall. If I have enough advanced warning I will send you a PM, maybe we can hoof in together. I...
  7. Fishnbuck

    Aaron Mercer Reservoir

    td, I think you misread my statement. I asked if I can ODFW & City Dallas for INFO, and DRIVE PASSED THE SIGN to GET TO THE GATE? As I stated in the original post, there was a sign stating something to the effect of "Authorized Entrance Only". The reason I never mentioned the locked gate is the...
  8. Fishnbuck

    Aaron Mercer Reservoir

    Thanks for responding troutdude. If I understand you correctly, I should be to get info directly from ODFW/OSP Wildlife, and/or City of Dallas, and I could have driven passed the sign to find the gate you mentioned above? I would gladly help with the small-mouth population within the ODFW...
  9. Fishnbuck

    Aaron Mercer Reservoir

    Thanks C_Run, I pending any new info over the weekend, I will give Dallas a call Monday.
  10. Fishnbuck

    Aaron Mercer Reservoir

    Can anyone provide up to date info on Aaron Mercer reservoir, including what organization has authority regarding access and use? A google search led me to the City of Dallas website's "Rickreall Watershed page", which informs readers that boats are not allowed with an explanation why. It refers...
  11. Fishnbuck

    Larger bank sturgeon

    The dock is open year round, however sturgeon is closed from falls downstream to railroad bridge. Willamette River Mouth upstream to Willamette Falls including Multnomah Channel/Willamette Slough/and Gilbert River Open for hatchery Chinook salmon and hatchery steelhead all year. Open for...
  12. Fishnbuck

    Kelley Point Park sturgeon?

    Short answer is you should consult the regs. If you are having difficulty understanding specifics in the reg book, I suggest posting that section and asking for clarification (folks on here tend to be very helpful), or contact your local ODFW office. The gals at the Clackamas office are always...
  13. Fishnbuck

    Got my first sturgeon!

    Hit a well known honey hole yesterday for a bit during the boy's weekly school visit, and was rewarded with this beast (beast by my standards, remember I am a reforming LMB and catfish guy, who previously resided in a So Cal wasteland void of the wonders the PNW holds). It battled just long...
  14. Fishnbuck


    Yes, about 3 weeks ago. I couldn't get my car down to my usual spot due to snow, so I ended up getting skunked at Big Cliff just below Detroit. I am looking forward to getting back soon though. I haven't seen it with higher water levels yet. It has always been -90 to -120 ft below conservation...
  15. Fishnbuck

    Is Hagg open this time of year?

    The boy and I went yesterday and did well, posted results in the HHL Reports section
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