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      Davpot replied to the thread Advice for newbies.
      Yes Ahaps. I used to use a small bubble and flies (wets, dries, nymphs) about 4ft 3# leader. Flies: adams, royal coachman, caddis...
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      Davpot replied to the thread Advice for newbies.
      Good for you both Ahaps! You were lucky if you missed the crowds. But I assure you there are lots of fish there. Thanks for the apple...
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      Davpot replied to the thread Advice for newbies.
      Well Ahap, Thats what happens when you Turn Your Back! There might be something in Sandy or Gresham. I used to have Very Good luck at...
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      Hi BobMT! I just got through reading a Water Rights thread on OPB.org page: WOW! Water use and accessibility will Continue to be an issue...
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      Hello and welcome BobMT! Yes, I imagine you have found general availability of good trout fishing a shocker! Theres Only about 3 million...
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      Davpot replied to the thread Advice for newbies.
      Well, Ahaps, your in luck, I think..if not mistaken, theres a Fly shop in Welches. Been there many years. A good source for advice and...
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      Thanks for your thoughtful inquiries Tim! And wonderful answers from all!! Lots if Experience and Sharing here! Id say you got some...
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      Davpot replied to the thread Sea Run Trout Questions.
      Well, I remember kataking the L. nestucca 25 yrs ago and ran into some horrific extensive brown Algae below 101!! More Agriculture and...
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      Davpot replied to the thread Sea Run Trout Questions.
      PK: I think you will find SRCs can travel as far as conditions prrmit! Dont underestimate their determination!😉 ODFW is awell Meaning...
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      Davpot replied to the thread Sea Run Trout Questions.
      I was on the Nestuc 2 weeks ago and (above blaine) and was disappointed. However There Is a New Cafe above Bible Creek! Highly...
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