Recent content by moon

  1. M

    Small flies & old eyes

    I too am experiencing the same problems and at times have found it aggravating. I've hit that age where I need a pill for everything and I mean everything. But enough about that, I can share a couple of things that have helped me and I too enjoy the pleasure of small dry fly's for large trout...
  2. M

    White River rods from Bass Pro Sports

    My second, and my wife's very first fly rod ever - was a couple of white rivers........ that was a longggggggggggggggggg time ago. I have no idea what their about now days, but our two was a couple of dogs. We gave up with them pretty quick and gave'em to the kids. Moon
  3. M

    Albany Expo

    Yup, it was good seeing a lot of old friends again...... and meeting some new ones. I don't think I would set the booth up and then man it for another two days if it wasn't for that. Moon
  4. M

    In the news (F.Y.I.)

    Bill would limit suction dredge mining on waterways -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Published: 12:00 a.m., March 4 Nearly a quarter century has passed since Oregon last updated the State Scenic Waterways Program, which increases protection...
  5. M

    KVAL salmon news report

    why don't you email Jeff Ziller this question? I'd like to hear his response. moon
  6. M

    KVAL salmon news report

    People, yes I’m a wild fish first guy so I’m not that upset. But this isn't anything I did or TU did or anyone else. This isn't about the “sides” any longer as to the salmon. Again I'll say it plain and true – I do not want the McKenzie or anything else flyfishing only..... But you go ahead and...
  7. M

    KVAL salmon news report

    KVAL salmon news report
  8. M

    A different kind of question on the wild vs. hatchery question:

    A different kind of question on the wild vs. hatchery question: Just my thoughts here, so don't be saying the “wild fish guys said” cuz these are only my personal thoughts at this time about what might be going on with a question at the end I have been wondering about. I think that ODFW has...
  9. M

    River hazards on the McKenzie

    River Hazards on the McKenzie: (Hendricks to Bellinger) First of all, this is only my opinion and things could change again. I hate saying go this way or that – because I’m afraid someone will just shoot through like what I said is word. And I could be wrong you know (or things change...
  10. M

    Meeting for 2013 regulation changes

    Here is a few bills on my watch list and some more I found and added while searching for “the” bill – that would make anything flyfishing only.... I can not find anything even remotely close to making the McKenzie fly fishing only. Anyway, I just don't have the time to look through all the...
  11. M

    Meeting for 2013 regulation changes

    Which Bill is that? I haven't heard of this one yet. I'm in the fight to remove bait and hatchery fish and though i'm an avid flyfisher, i am not on board with making the McKenzie fly fishing only. But I have been accused of this very same thing.... So i would like to see the proposed bill...
  12. M

    Fly tying tonight - short notice

    We haven't done this in awhile.... Hell, i never did. (I don't man sew) if i had wanted to cook or clean or tie my own flys, i'd have never got married.... but - for "you guys" that do like to sew, - we used to do these more regularly. Momma thought she would see if there was any interest to...
  13. M

    Fly tying tonight - short notice

    my bad. momma asked me to post this way earlier but i forgot. fly tying get together tonight 3950 N Coburg road Eugene @ the clubhouse starts at 7 momma asked me just now if anyone responded that they might come and it reminded me that i forgot to post it. sorry bout that. moon
  14. M

    Eugene area TU meeting tonight

    Sorry you stuck at work.... my presentation will be next month on the 8th. moon
  15. M

    Eugene area TU meeting tonight

    Have you ever pictured yourself fishing an exotic river with no human presence for 200 miles in any direction? Ever feature yourself pitching flies the size of a small muskrat on a 10 weight all day for fish that are measured in feet, rather than inches? Then come to the January TU 678 meeting...
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