Youth event @ St. Louis Ponds this Saturday 9/25

Glad ODFW does these but really wish they would close the place to all but the kids for these events , went to one at CG early this year and the adults were about 7to 1 ratio on the kids needless to say wont be takin my grankids to be dissapointed at another one of those events again ! Hopefully this one will be better , but knowing that they are only asked to leave the place to the kids I have my doubts . They used to have one at the begining of the season at the hatchery pond and only the kids could fish my kids had a blast at that one . Wish ODFW would change the rules. hard for the kids to get into fish with adults throwin lures sore lippin every fish in the pond and snaggin the kids gear , not to mention grabbing up most of the open real estate where its easy to fish from.
FP, Good point about some adults ruining it for the kids. ODFW should simply make it illegal, for adults to fish at a kid's event...period. Even make it illegal the week of the event, for adults! Then, all of the stockers would be there for the kids. Just my.02.
I'll be volunteering there helping out. Tying hooks, untangling line, walking kids through casting. It's a blast.

I agree about the adults, it's a shame how people can be so inconsiderate.
Wouldnt even have been so bad but most of the so called adults were holdin 1-2 fish below the limit and kept throwin the poor fish back so they could rave about how many fish they were catchin ! maybe as a volunteer you could get these folks to get their limit and get out of the way so the kids can fish . I will be sending my opinion to the ODFW and maybe all who see this thread could do the same . We might see a rule change like troutdude suggested with enuff complaints.
ODFW does do kids fishing events at kid only lakes/ponds, like Mt. Hood Pond. I've talked with Jeff the "head honcho" who plans and runs the events about making them for kids only. They're just spread so thin as it stands how would they enforce kids only on a body of water that is normally open to all? They don't have enough wardens already and more cuts are on the way. Everyone who actually gets paid to do these events has no authority to enforce any ODFW laws, which is funny in a sad way, they're just state biologists.

I'm out there doing what I can to ensure that these kids have a good time and become responsible fishermen and fisherwomen down the road, so hopefully they don't grow up like the adults that are out there now.
Ok, so I was out there for a few hours today helping untangle line from trees and un-hooking fish. It's a lot of fun.

Talking with Jeff, when they planted last night they DID have Oregon State Patrol there and they wrote a LOT of tickets to people that were trying to net fish, keeping over their limit, no license, etc. They even wrote a ticket to the camp host for accepting fish without documentation (I didn't know this was a rule; you need a reciept for any fish you recieve or give away) for taking 4 fish that someone didn't want to take home, which is kind of a douche move but oh well.

It was a very low key event, not that many people for the amount of fishable bank area. I guess in June they killed most of the weeds so fishing was pretty easy. They stocked 1300 trout in pond 5, and 2000 in pond 6, so if you want to go catch planters (and some trophy) I'd recommend going off the bottom with powerbait, it's what 99% of the people I talked to caught their fish on.
Haha, we saw you guys catch that trout on the dinky barbie pole and had a good discussion on how difficult it would be to cast the darn thing. Congrats! That's pond 6 by the way.
The real problem with this place is that they need to close the gates from the day of stocking until the event. Most of the locals who don't have fishing licenses or read english just show up and fish it out. I was over run by some Russians and watched a bunch of people over fishing their limits. The only fun you could have is just calling in the poachers, something I plan on doing heavily in the future. It can be great fun for the kids but within a week that place will be fished out and the people in the camper are just a waste of space since they never patrol or do anything there. Most of the time they are gone.
It was stocked Friday evening (with OSP present, writing tickets), the gate was locked from 8pm till 7am, and the kids even started at 9am Saturday.

I agree that it's an easy place to get fished out but with the water so warm and ponds so shallow the trout don't do well there anyways long term. I've actually never fished it as shooting hatchery fish in a pond isn't my idea of fun but the kids yesterday were having a blast and there were fish enough for all.
Modest_Man said:
Haha, we saw you guys catch that trout on the dinky barbie pole and had a good discussion on how difficult it would be to cast the darn thing. Congrats! That's pond 6 by the way.

Yeh, that Barbie pole has seen it's share of fish this year, she landed 2 yesterday.

I think I mentioned to you that it was lost at one point IN Detroit Lake. We were out there in July and my brother casted it out for Haley on the fishing dock and it slipped out of his hand, broke her heart. The next day, we were fishing at the dock again and a little girl next to us said she caught a pole. My brother picked it up at lost and found and she was back in business.

After I told the girls we were going fishing, I read some of the horror stories here and was concerned, but I had already committed so we went anyway. It was nothing like the stories I read and they had a great time and I didn't have to shoot anyone ;)
I took my sons 8 & 6 there on sunday 9/26 and we caught 8 trout. When will the gate be closed for winter?
wargamer said:
When will the gate be closed for winter?

I seem to remember it said Oct 1
Now I remember, it's posted on the gate. Locked Oct 1st until Mar 1st.

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