You didn't catch anything either I bet...

No one caught a thing today. Obviously there were a handful caught, but check the forums, fishing reports, everything- it was dead today.

My theory is that the barometer changed, or the radical change from heavy rain to sun killed the bite.
Very dead today.
haha. yah, where were you fishing? I hooked a lot of fish today, all dark, but a lot of fish
Landed 6 in 1 1/2 hours, it wasn't totally dead:D. There weren't many fish on the move though. Just right eggs, right time.
Nice If you dont mind where an with what I an trying to start fly fishing for the evil salmon.:lol:
Markcanby said:
Nice If you dont mind where an with what I an trying to start fly fishing for the evil salmon.:lol:

I got most of mine on a home-tied olive nymph
tnffishman said:
haha. yah, where were you fishing? I hooked a lot of fish today, all dark, but a lot of fish
nice job !!
tnffishman said:
haha. yah, where were you fishing? I hooked a lot of fish today, all dark, but a lot of fish

Looks like you had a fun day! :clap::clap::clap:
Aww man. Shouldve went fishing.
The better thing to ask is did anyone hook in to anything worth bonking?
so one person caught some dying fish, anyone else?
bigdog said:
The better thing to ask is did anyone hook in to anything worth bonking?

Yep, bonked 1 c@r'd the rest. Landed a hen I had already caught 2 times before:lol:. EC definitly has a few in there worth bonking, but like you say "just gotta work for em";)
metalmania said:
Yep, bonked 1 c@r'd the rest. Landed a hen I had already caught 2 times before:lol:. EC definitly has a few in there worth bonking, but like you say "just gotta work for em";)

Thats for sure you do have to work for them. The low water this year really messed up the fishing on EC. I'm sure there is some keepers in there but I'm thinking it's going to be something like 1 out of every 50 or more.
bigdog said:
Thats for sure you do have to work for them. The low water this year really messed up the fishing on EC. I'm sure there is some keepers in there but I'm thinking it's going to be something like 1 out of every 50 or more.

Yep the EC run is fubar, but i've managed to find a bunch in amongst the darkies. It's not quite 1/50 anymore, but ya there's not many:(. Still fun to c@r.
metalmania said:
Yep the EC run is fubar, but i've managed to find a bunch in amongst the darkies. It's not quite 1/50 anymore, but ya there's not many:(. Still fun to c@r.

Always fun to CR thats for sure. I have been turning all my work to the sandy this year though with EC being the way it is this year. Last year it was full of silvers.
bigdog said:
Always fun to CR thats for sure. I have been turning all my work to the sandy this year though with EC being the way it is this year. Last year it was full of silvers.

I skipped the run last year to hunt, looks like I picked the wrong year to skip:lol:.
metalmania said:
I skipped the run last year to hunt, looks like I picked the wrong year to skip:lol:.

Yeah if you only fish EC you did :lol:
bigdog said:
Yeah if you only fish EC you did :lol:

I fish the sandy a bit to, but it's hard to pull myself off that little creek.
metalmania said:
I fish the sandy a bit to, but it's hard to pull myself off that little creek.

Yeah I know what you mean. Everyone knows I haven't been at the salmon fishing for very long and last year I spent most the time trying to learn EC and this year had to force myself to learn more of the sandy. Have to say I'm happy I did though. Been a good year so far on the sandy.
bigdog said:
Yeah I know what you mean. Everyone knows I haven't been at the salmon fishing for very long and last year I spent most the time trying to learn EC and this year had to force myself to learn more of the sandy. Have to say I'm happy I did though. Been a good year so far on the sandy.

It's a great little creek, but I to have began to venture more to the sandy. This is my first year fishing the sandy and aside from the scenery it's not a bad river. Can't belive it took me so long to make the trip over there.
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