I was wondering if these would work for steelhead. It's only three bucks for a pack of them at Bi-Mart.
JeeperGal said:I remember in another thread someone posted that they ruined his nice fishing vest with the fading colors
so be warned!
autofisher said:It's going to depend on the dye bath that they used and the mortar that they used to set the color. MOST companies that make the production yarn balls that don't fade in water use a highly toxic dye and mortar that if you breath it during the dye process it can lead to extensive lung damage. A generic dye with a simple or natural mortar will almost always have some color fading. The best way to avoid the run off on your clothes or vest, is to separate the colors if you can and place them in a container with warm water mixed with lemon joy (just my preference) leave them in the soak for about an hour...stirring if you feel the need. Take them out and let them dry and you should be good to go.
Also, the color fading is going to depend on the water temperature and/or the temperature of the body the vest is on. If you don't have a good set mortar and you get the balls wet and then hook them back on your vest, you have a better chance of the fading because the body temperature will raise the temp on the water. Then because you're moving around and not stationary, the friction will cause the balls to rub and you'll have started the bleeding out process for the dye.
Hope this helps.
TTFishon said:Are the ones you got made for fishing? These were in the art isle.
TTFishon said:It does help a little bit. I don't really care about my fishing clothes getting stained but I do care about a product losing it's fish catching color. Thanks for the info.
beaverfan said:You might get lucky, mine didn't leave any dye behind.
beaverfan said:Ya that's about how much mine were too. If they run just toss them after one use. At that price you can't go wrong. I must say the hold scent tremendously.
TTFishon said:I was wondering if these would work for steelhead. It's only three bucks for a pack of them at Bi-Mart.
I Grade said:Here....You can have my 'gay pride' fishing vest with the rainbow of colors running down the lower right hand side pocket. They bled like a stuck pig and got water logged like a sponge. I wont buy them again. Nuff said.