That's a very strange topic for an instructional video... *chuckle*
I've been avoiding the wood shampoo for the most part, in favor of a new (to me) technique that seems to be doing well: ike jime.
Basically, the idea is to sever the spine and the vein that follows just below it instead of bonking the fish. Takes a time or two to learn where the vertebrae meet the skull (Just inside the operculum, or gill cover) so that you can get a knife in there. Also sever the other end of the spine and drop the fish into cold water to bleed out. If done right, the fish never goes into full rigor and the finished product is much higher quality.
I did a side-by-side comparison with another guy's fish, caught around the same time. His was stiff as a board, while mine was still supple as it was in life.
Maybe I'll post a video of the next one :lol: