Marvin's Guide Service
Hey lets talk about som sturgeon fishing, there is some great action for sturgeon all winter long!
fishing right in down town Portland Oregon.
fishing right in down town Portland Oregon.
yep, I only use herring..always and if im competing with a lot of other boats I add spawn sac filled with shad roe and some razer clam smelly jelly, this set-up will usally shut down the other poles in the boat unless I do it to all of them, you can pick any bait you want, and if you get on fish your gonna catch... occasionaly I have seen squid just kill on a spot.. but as a rule if there are fish under your boat.. and you have bait... your gonna catch them. I just got tired of having 256 different concoctions of bait in my boat, always changing, up, down up down.... you will notice if you go fishing with a guide they have the poles in the water,,, instantly, and they will stay in the water any possible moment they can, no matter what you are fishing for.... catching fish is a time scenario... on any river or lake on a certain day it takes a certain number of hours or minutes per fish.. a per hook average.. the longer gear is in the water the more likely success will be, if the sturgeon arent eatin harring where im fishing, I move to a neiborhood where they are eating herring. The bait game is over for me. but now of course 63 guys just read this and think its ridiculous... hmmm fishing, what a cruel mistress!Fishtopher said:just wondering what you all use for bait this time of year....im always out of shad and smelt by now, so that leaves me using squid, sandshrimp, and whatever fish i can catch for bait...anyone use roe for gators?:think:
osmosis said:Sturgeon can be a plague when backbouncing eggs for salmon, they love 'em.