Wilson River Steelhead Fishing

So I have never fished the Wilson river, but I have heard a lot about the old guide shop and Elk Creek camp grounds?? how far out of Tillamook are these places are they around Jordan creek? thanks for any info you can help me with
Lots of spots to fish on the Wilson, dozens of pullouts off the highway.
Plus its about as beautiful as a river gets.
Thanks Chris, that was very helpful think the wife and I are going up thier today and get are new poles wet,see if we can catch are first steelie or maybe???? will let you know the outcome tonight
Definitely let us know! I too have never fished the Wilson and have been thinking about trekking out there since the Sandy, Clack, and EC steelies have been ignoring me all winter :(
When your out on the Wilson fish are just a bonus. Hands down it is the most beautiful river I have ever seen. Absolutely picture perfect. Around every corner lies another wonderful hole. I don't usually fish the lower river at. I start at about mile marker 14 and go as far up as I can.
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The Wilson is absolutely gorgeous and great for bank fishing. I'm in Portland, so I start at Elk Creek or Jones Creek and work my way down towards Tillamook (I usually am only fishing for a couple hours so I don't get very far down). There are a tons of turnouts and most of them provide good pools. Some banks are easier to climb down to than others. I find it's best to check 'em all and remember your favorites for various water heights. Jordan Creek (which you mentioned) is a good spot and has a pretty easy trail to get down the bank.

Jones Creek Bridge (right underneath the bridge at Jones Creek day use area) is pretty popular and is nice because you have a bathroom near by. I often start here so I can put on my gear in a parking lot.

The great thing is that there are so many turnouts, you can easily move to a turn-out down river 1/4 mile if somebody is already fishing a spot.
That is a great link on the map. I fish a lot from mileposts 12-18 but still discovering new holes. Just depends on finding the water where you want to fish. If it's a weekday, no problem. If it's a weekend, you'll have lots of company so look for the parked rigs.
What a disapointment

What a disapointment

Told my wife next time I decide to change my plans and fish the clackamas without a boat, instead of going to the Wilson to SHOOT ME IN THE HEAD!!! that river has changed a whole lot since I was a kid fishing it. Seen a couple jump but didn't even get 1 bite and the wife got skunked to, and she normally out fishes me. I traded the beauty of the Wilson for hearing gun shots all day!! oh well maybe next time
Bummer! Where on the Clack were you?
Gun Shots

Gun Shots

I'm guessing at or near Riverside Park? I'm sure there are other places that hear gunshots, but I hear a guy frequently out there.

Sorry you didn't get one. It's been slow the last week for us bankies, but the water sure looks good:pray:

Good luck next time.
We where around the bend just east of the park walked as far as we could and then worked are way back down to the park didn't see anything until we went up to carver park that's when we saw a couple jump looked like some nice fish just couldn't get them to bite tried coon shrimp and about 3 different color corks didn't try any spinners. went up to mijiver park to the hatchery and it was dead park was empty.
About 100 yard down from "as far as you can walk" is one of my favorite spots on the Clackamas! I heard fired shots again today. It sure does take the peace out of it and spooks the hawks and eagles.

Good luck out there!


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