Wilson River camping

Hello all,
thinking about doing some camping (and fishing of coarse) on the Wilson river.
does anyone have spots they would recommend.

all I am looking for in a site to pitch my tent.
is there any good spots on the bank or is most of the land private?
No most of the land isn't private if your planning on going above mm 14. As far as camping they went through and destroyed virtually every free camping spot. There is a few on some spur roads but for the most part it's only campground camping up there now. It's a real shame!
Camping was shut down on the river because there was too many people cutting live trees for firewood as if it would burn, leaving trash and human waste. Soon there will ne no free or primitive camping thanks to the scumbags who ruin it for the rest of us.

I'm just a little ticked off by the Wilson river shut down.
Ya it is really frustrating and annoying! I was a lot madder about it but as time has gone by I do like how much cleaner it is and also without all the campers it makes a lot of the holes easier to get to. (less campers=less people) It's just a shame that people can't just pick up after themselves.
same with me i camp at the dimond mill atv area at jones creek its free and my girlfriends lil bro is kick ass on a bike...most the time during the week there is no one up there kinda cool
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