Wilson Report: 8/24/2009

Welp with the help of you guys we hit the Wilson and had a blast. While the river is very low it would seem and even tho we were equipped for a stream a bit larger we still caught a ton of trout and had a lot of fun doing it.

These fish were not huge trophy fish but still fun to hit a river where almost every cast kicked down hits. :) tnx.

We ran into a few really purdy cutthroats also which made it all worth it.

We hit around milepost 10 at first light and used worms and rainbow corkies and split shot.

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I'm ashamed no one else has replied by now. Those are some awesome fish!

So down low in the system you say, it's too bad it's not Friday yet.
ha! :) tnx!

Yeps we were at Vander-something.. was a German name. Had one of those slide-down boat ramp things. We crept up on the riffle into that hole, fished on our knees from about 20 feet away and that hole kept producing fish.

Again.. not huge fish but still fun. Next time gonna bring lighter gear and it will be even more fun :)
On your knees? OUCH!

On your knees? OUCH!

Good for you! Fished on your knees?! You have more stamina than I do,for sure. You'd have to have Search & Rescue come get me! :lol: Those look like they are good sized fish. No matter how big,they look pansize to me. Congrats!
THanks gang :) Was fun.

Yeps I have fly fishing background so it's burned into my brain to stalk or sneak up on holding water and not be seen.

Do mind you I had my sweatshirt under my knees and also had a hard time getting up to do stuff :) hA!

I liked that spot cuz since the water is low it offered a nice little run off pool to the side with slow water that we could work fish into once they were on.
just wondering, but with that red marking on throat, reddish/orrange fins, isn't that a cutthroat? Dynamite catch. Theres a big hole at milepost @&, that is used as a weekend swimming hole. Its been holding some fatties, unless they been fished out. Once they got in there, they were stuck after last rains.

Pray for rain. I want to get into that cutty run, but mor importantly, get the salmon up the rivers.

LOL, milepost @& is same as milepost 27. hehe
Yeps we ran into 4 cutts that day. Really nice and fun to catch and pitch back. We'll have to try milepost @& one day :) hehe
Cuts on the Wilson

Cuts on the Wilson

I was down there this evening. Same thing lots of little cuts & some fairly good sized ones too. They would take just about anything as long as it is small. Great photos, I'll have take some pics next time I go down.
going to be out there this weekend camping and what not.. every one i go with rides out of the dimond mill atv area so will be fishing from there up ill let you guys know how i do
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