Willamette River wont open Jan 1 for Sturgeon

Marvin's Guide Service
How much Bull is this?

I understand that you make a living catching these fish, but the fact is, they're on the decline. I'd rather practice catch and release, and see the population survive than completely decimate the population with retention because people wanted some meat.
You are right. but my problem is when they say it is open, and as a guide call my clients and tell them to come fishing in January! then they close it. it looks bad on me as well as odfw. because now I have to call people and tell them we can't go.

I don't mind C and R, I think it will be a good thing. Just think when they set a season it should stay that way. Some of my clients will still go because we can go on the Columbia.
I dont think there is anything wrong with keeping them, the requirements to even beable to keep ONE are rediculous to me! just my 2 cents :)
Okay now that I can understand, that would indeed be frustrating.

guidem said:
You are right. but my problem is when they say it is open, and as a guide call my clients and tell them to come fishing in January! then they close it. it looks bad on me as well as odfw. because now I have to call people and tell them we can't go.

I don't mind C and R, I think it will be a good thing. Just think when they set a season it should stay that way. Some of my clients will still go because we can go on the Columbia.
tomriker said:
I dont think there is anything wrong with keeping them, the requirements to even beable to keep ONE are rediculous to me! just my 2 cents :)

see this is the kind of logic that ruined our native fish runs.
Also they still want to give the gill netters a season this winter. when are they going to have a net and release season?

well guess ill just stick to bass fishing then in my pond, atleast NO ONE can tell me what to do or what i can and cannot keep there
Im sorry to see your options getting tighter guidem, I also rely on catching fish for a living standing in the shadow of a goverment that seems to desire to destroy my way of life.. but im torn on this, I believe with all my heart catch and release will be for the best of the species, not me, not you, not your clients... it should always be about the resource first.. I believe this, and I have suffered from the resources being put first but thats ok, becouse im a man and can move adjust recover or re-invent to survive... these fish.. they just eat and screw, they need a chance, its actually too bad more of your clients don't just want to catch and release... mabe you can re-package yourself and sell a new idea-
tomriker said:
well guess ill just stick to bass fishing then in my pond, atleast NO ONE can tell me what to do or what i can and cannot keep there

Go for it.

Bottom line is if management doesn't drastically change, sturgeon will be extinct, in OUR lifetime. Why would you want to push a species to extinction man? That's messed up.
I don't think anybody wants Sturgeon to go extinct! I have no problem with c and r, Just if that what I have to sale then fine, I just don't want Odfw to to tell me I can sale one thing, then all the sudden I tell you wate you can't have that.

Think of it like this. you drive 2 hours to buy this really nice fishing rod, you are really excited to get, then just when you get to the check out stand they say Well sorry can't buy that today. wate a month. would you be mad?

I just want them to set a season and stick with it. no matter if it is c and r or you can keep them..

Then as a guide I can sale a c and r trip or i can sale a meat trip.

Please understand I to want Sturgeon to be in our River for my grandchildren, and there to.

Sorry if my post has mad anybody mad.
I hope I didn't come off mean or abbrasive... I usally save that for the steelhead forum... I understand preparing for a season, then having it shut down... but we can be grateful they will never be extinct, gnat creek hatchery has a swimmin pool full of them!
I like to fish when retention is permitted but now I am c and r 99% of the time. If these fish are contuinually hammered like they were this year there won't be to many more years left. I like the idea of a guided trip for c and r and some conservation education for your clients.
I know at least one guide has pledged that his boat will be 100% C&R for sturgeon in 2011. That's awesome.

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