I fish down there a lot, but make sure to use hand sanitizer, and dont mess around in the water more than you have to, if at all. There is a sewer leak just down river from the sellwood bridge on the east side of the river. But, the spot may be alright in the summer time, or during any drought period. I know the hand sanitizer thing sounds sissy, but believe me man! Its sewer water!!:lol:
But to the fishing! I catch sturgeon from that park right by Oaks Park. I usually use pickled squid there.
I catch random bass along the shore, or under the floaty thing with spinnerbaits, crawdad plastics, or night crawlers down there.
I catch catfish after dark with chicken liver, or night crawlers.
I caught a WALLEYE on a night crawler there in the 90's!:dance:
I have heard of folks catching some kind of flat fish similiar to a halibut there on a night crawler.
Thats about it for bankin' it there. Boat is a whole nother story!
There is a spot up river aways from the bridge we have dubbed "Hobo Jungle". The name says it all. I :naughty:never:naughty: go there alone, OR "un-equipped". Lots of primo bass fishing along the bank. This is a spot I always considered one of the "honey holes" for Bass fishing. Careful down there!!