Which stretch of river??

So I finally picked up my new (used) drift boat!!! I'm soooo stoked!!!

I'm going to take it out on some still water today, just to get a feel for it, but I also hope to get on some moving water soon.

I live across from the South Santiam, so I am obviously going to spend a lot of time on that river, but is there another river that would be better to learn on?? Any advice in regards to what river, what stretch, and ideal flows would be greatly appreciated!! I have some/little kayak experience (none on any Oregon rivers though), and no DB experience.

Congratulations.....looks like you got that boat in Washington. A good start would be to pick up Dan Alsup's book "A Complete Guide to Driftboats" It's my kind of book, lots of pictures and history of drift boats along with a ton of safety information. It also has a lot of how to do it information. I bought a copy a few years back at Bi-Mart but you can get one if you want at Frank Amato Publication.
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Great looking boat! We are pretty much in the "same boat" in that I just picked up a pretty nice aluminum 14'. My son and I took it out to the upper run on the Alsea (Mill creek to Campbell) yesterday. That is a nice easy run, with a couple places w/ overhanging brush, but no real hazzards. There is some nice fishy water but quite a bit of slow flat stuff. We really took our time and spent almost 8 hours on that stretch. I have had several boats (wooden) before but I tend to be pretty cautious on new water. I have done the "around town" stretch on the Siletz and it is not bad but that was 10 years ago. Maybe we could get together for a float sometime and help solve the shuttle thing. My time is somewhat flexible and I can usually block out a day or two per week so I don't have to always go on weekends like years back. There are lots of experienced boaters on here.....sure they will give you more input. Good Luck!
Great looking Boat

Great looking Boat

jdflores311 said:
So I finally picked up my new (used) drift boat!!! I'm soooo stoked!!!

I'm going to take it out on some still water today, just to get a feel for it, but I also hope to get on some moving water soon.

I live across from the South Santiam, so I am obviously going to spend a lot of time on that river, but is there another river that would be better to learn on?? Any advice in regards to what river, what stretch, and ideal flows would be greatly appreciated!! I have some/little kayak experience (none on any Oregon rivers though), and no DB experience.


Nice boat, I got a DB a couple years ago and found a guy who was willing to go with me a few times to give me some pointers. I've had lots of on the water experience but none on moving water like a drift boat sees. The experience helped but nothing like having a friend along to point out my mistakes.

Get all the safety gear and wear the life jacket whenever the boat is moving!! PLEASE:pray:

You SOB! I wanted to buy that boat sooo bad! I seen it on CL... Really good deal on it. There was a few that were real good buys on there. Nice boat!
Mike123 said:
You SOB! I wanted to buy that boat sooo bad! I seen it on CL... Really good deal on it. There was a few that were real good buys on there. Nice boat!

Hey, sounds like I better not post photos of mt new one!! Ha!
FishFiddle said:
Great looking boat! We are pretty much in the "same boat" in that I just picked up a pretty nice aluminum 14'. My son and I took it out to the upper run on the Alsea (Mill creek to Campbell) yesterday. That is a nice easy run, with a couple places w/ overhanging brush, but no real hazzards. There is some nice fishy water but quite a bit of slow flat stuff. We really took our time and spent almost 8 hours on that stretch. I have had several boats (wooden) before but I tend to be pretty cautious on new water. I have done the "around town" stretch on the Siletz and it is not bad but that was 10 years ago. Maybe we could get together for a float sometime and help solve the shuttle thing. My time is somewhat flexible and I can usually block out a day or two per week so I don't have to always go on weekends like years back. There are lots of experienced boaters on here.....sure they will give you more input. Good Luck!

I have a pretty felxible job as well . . . that sounds like a good idea to me . . . especially if we want to head to the coast. I was curious just how I was going to tackle the while shuttle thing when not close to home.

Just let me know when you're getting the itch, and I'll see what my schedules like . . . Keep in mind that I am new to salmon and steelhead fishing in general though . . . so I hope you don't mind fishing with a novice.
GDBrown said:
Nice boat, I got a DB a couple years ago and found a guy who was willing to go with me a few times to give me some pointers. I've had lots of on the water experience but none on moving water like a drift boat sees. The experience helped but nothing like having a friend along to point out my mistakes.

Get all the safety gear and wear the life jacket whenever the boat is moving!! PLEASE:pray:


I figured this would be the best way to learn . . . time on the water with someone who knows what they're doing. If anyone out there feels like playing the role of my 'guide' before spring, let me know.
Mike123 said:
You SOB! I wanted to buy that boat sooo bad! I seen it on CL... Really good deal on it. There was a few that were real good buys on there. Nice boat!

Sorry about that Mike . . . lol . . . Once I saw it myself, I couldn't pass it up. IMO it was the the best boat available for the price.

Although I haven't done much more than stare at it yet, I am very happy with my purchase!
jdflores311 said:
Sorry about that Mike . . . lol . . . Once I saw it myself, I couldn't pass it up. IMO it was the the best boat available for the price.

Although I haven't done much more than stare at it yet, I am very happy with my purchase!

I live in Lebanon too! Now Ima have to stare at it everytime I fish the South Santiam and see you float by. :lol::lol::D
Mike123 said:
I live in Lebanon too! Now Ima have to stare at it everytime I fish the South Santiam and see you float by. :lol::lol::D

You're welcome to ride along one of these times . . .
jdflores311 said:
You're welcome to ride along one of these times . . .

I'll take ya up on that. ;)
You goin to be fishing for Springers here in April and May? :D
Mike123 said:
I'll take ya up on that. ;)
You goin to be fishing for Springers here in April and May? :D

That's the plan!
jdflores311 said:
That's the plan!

Nice! :cool:

You ready to wake up at 2am to get a spot at the Falls? :lol:
Me and my buddy wouldn't even bother sleeping, we'd just park the db at the Falls at about 2:30am and start drinking. :lol:
Mike123 said:
Nice! :cool:

You ready to wake up at 2am to get a spot at the Falls? :lol:
Me and my buddy wouldn't even bother sleeping, we'd just park the db at the Falls at about 2:30am and start drinking. :lol:

I just moved here last July, so most of the traffic seemed to settle down at the falls by the time I started fishing it . . . but I heard stories of just how crowded it can get.

Drinking at 2:30am, and waiting to get our lines wet sounds more than alright to me!
jdflores311 said:
I just moved here last July, so most of the traffic seemed to settle down at the falls by the time I started fishing it . . . but I heard stories of just how crowded it can get.

Drinking at 2:30am, and waiting to get our lines wet sounds more than alright to me!

Yea it's a zoo! 75% of the people are from wayyy outta town too. Alright man sounds like a plan! :dance::D

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