Where are all the fishing reports???

Hey all,
I am curious about something..We finally got this sub forum for everyone to post reports from the Slaw, and I guess nobody is fishing it. I see no less than 6 boats heading down there every morning on my way to work, some one must be fishing.... Thinking about hitting the river soon, hope there is a good number of fish to be caught. Good luck and tight lines to all..
im thinking people are catching fish, just not saying anything so it dosent get packed
or there out fishing not catching a thing. or they could be out catching fish, with a report followed a couple weeks later.
I fished the Slaw by Whit for 3 days, monday through Weds and nobody caught a single steelhead. Trap was empty when I looked yesterday also. I am headed tomorrow early and fishing til around 11. Hoping that a bit of rain will bring them in.
Fishing is slooow on the slaw right now. There were a small number of fish from the first high water event, and since then it's been here and there. Not a single fish has been cleaned from the trap according to STEP. This rain should do the trick. River is over 8ft today, but won't start really relaxing until mid-end next week.
I hit it again today from 9 to 11 and the water wasn't too bad. It had a lot of debris floating but the color wasn't horrible considering how fast it came up. Anyway, seen 4 boats and maybe 6 bankies nobody had anything that I had talked to. I had one tail slap at my feet and that was the most action I had. If we luck out on the rain I will hit it monday. If it gets blown out I will skip over to lake creek and fish then be back on the slaw probably weds or whenever it comes back down.
I floated Monday and Tuesday...Between the 2 days only one pull down...Waiting for something..Not sure what,but something..LOL
3-9 today...too bad its gonna blow out, they are finally here
I stopped by yesterday and yes the river was pretty high and muddy. BUT there were fish in the trap, and even more fish above the trap. I counted 5 in the trap, and 2 dozen that made it past the trap. Half of them were chrome. So They are there. River will hit ten feet today and I will be there in 20 minutes until later today. Stop by and say howdy I am the guy in the white dodge with the yellow T plates.

Fished below on the trap side of the river. Found a decent stretch of good water a few feet wide that wasn't stained and fished it heavy. Went 2 for 3 and then got hung up. Spent a couple hours knocking down some nice spinners and jigs from the branches and went home with full pockets of goodies. Hoping I can sneek out thursday if work will let me.
Got to Whitaker this morning and there were so many boats I didn't think I could navigate through...LOL

Drove on down river a ways and pretty much floated all by myself...I finally did see one more boat but that was it...Went 3 for 4 today and I think we could of had the fourth,but my buddy beat it off at the boat with the net,,,I think he did it on purpose..;)..



The river was a liitle higher than my liking,but who's complaining..
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Nicely done! I like your boat, its looking really good.
RunWithSasquatch said:
Nicely done! I like your boat, its looking really good.

Thanks...Its coming along...I just bought the trailer a couple weeks ago on consignment at Koffler...Now I have a "REAL" driftboat trailer insted of a modified lake boat piece of junk trailer...LOL ..Going to refinish the inside of the boat this spring...Slowly but surely I am getting there...

Probably wait till after the weekend to go back fishing...Maybe the crowds will have thinned out.. (NOT)

Ive never been on the Siuslaw, but I am excited to see the zoo at the Mill Creek put in on the Alsea in the morning.
Nice! The siuslaw on a "good day" (defined as every one and their mother chasing reports on the weekend) is way worse than mill creek. It's a shorter stretch Of water too. People ask me why I fish the alsea when the siuslaw is closer...I don't like playing bumper boats and angering bank anglers. I love the siuslaw though, might have to have a sudden 24 hour illness next week if it continues to drop....cough cough...yep I'm gettin sick. Midweek it'll be a horrible disease. Wont be able to work, i don't want my patients catching it ya know.
I know that illness... luckily im 3 minutes above the hatchery, and dont start work until 1:30 in the afternoon... so i dont catch it often.
Can you bank it at the rest area stops? This report makes me want to drive out there right now
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would it be worth it to drive out there and try to get into some? im dying!
Yeah it would. See above pictures. The rest area isn't stellar to fish, stagecoach road is though.
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