What's with the south jetty in Newport?

Since I've been up here I constantly get told about the south jetty for easy bank fishing in salt water can I get some more info about the area and what I can catch from there I'm planning a trip with my girlfriend over in that area
Seems like I heard that, it was closed OFF a few years ago. It might be a good idea, to check with a local bait/tackle shop before you go.
Its defenetly not "easy". In fact its pretty trecherous.

But, if you do decide to fish it, which I often do, I would suggest a bank setup with a lightwieght spinning rod. Put about 1/2 oz of weight on the bottom and two or three hooks (like 1s or 2s ) in 6-8inch gaps above that. bait with clam neck or shrimp.

If you want to jig for em use a 1/2 - 2oz jig head with big curly tail jigs. The bigger the jig the bigger the fish...maybe even some lings.

MOST IMPORTANT Never turn your back to the water when fishing the jetty!
MOST IMPORTANT Never turn your back to the water when fishing the jetty!

I'll quote that, just to emphasize it.

Also, however close you think you can safely stand to the water, go back a few feet from that. Stuff can go bad very quickly when you're too close. If a larger than normal wave hits, there's usually an even bigger one coming.

I haven't fished a Yaquina in many years, but I've done Barview plenty... same deal.

Since I try to avoid bait fishing whenever possible (just not my deal, I won't make fun of anyone for it... unless we're fishing together), so I jig the jetty. You don't have to be right on the rocks the entire time, since you'll spend most of your time re-tying, but you want to bouncing OFF them occasionally. Slack tides usually produce the best bite (and the calmest conditions). Be patient, the schools of rockfish move -- you can either try to chase them, or stay put and wait for them to come to you. Can be pretty hit-or-miss, but when the jetty gets hot, it'll get red-hot, with very frequent fish... especially at night.
Agree with all the above! Stop somewhere and get a tub of herring Smelly Jelly. Then at the marina you can buy the blue and black/grey swim/jig baits and jig heads. Slather some smelly jelly on that herring swim bait, cast, and bend your knees slightly because the hit is coming. :D
Back in the 80's, a buddy and I fished it at night. We seriously HAMMERED, lots of nice sea bass, on a minus tide!!! Just toss a floating rapala, and twitch it.

According to the Marine Zone reg's, it appears to be open 24/7. I do not see any special reg's that, would indicate otherwise.
So jetties have tons of fish, but are really dangerous?

Lol ok, I'm scared now tho...are they a worthwhile risk?
OK, it's not that horrific.

Just respect the danger, and you'll be fine. People do it almost every day. If conditions are rough, don't go. Be careful. Have fun, since it is.
I was wearing waders and wading boots and slipped and fell on the south jetty on an incoming tide. Bad times. I'm still alive but I haven't fished that jetty since. Too much can go wrong too quickly no matter how skilled you are or how aware of your surroundings you are. Some rockfish aren't worth it to me anymore lol.
What kind of gear would u need to jig on the south jetty? Like what size rod and reel? Line and weights? Any rigs or anything in particular that help?
So jetties have tons of fish, but are really dangerous?

Lol ok, I'm scared now tho...are they a worthwhile risk?
The best advice I've heard about rock/jetty fishing (which has been useful in other fishing circumstances as well) was "always assume you're going to break an ankle, and be prepared for it."

It's no worse than any other "extreme" sport, but clambering around huge, slick rocks in the dark while carrying loads of valuable gear and smelly bait, is a sketchy thing to do without total awareness of how potentially risky it can be. Just prepare for the worst and hope for the best! ;)
Back in the 80's, a buddy and I fished it at night. We seriously HAMMERED, lots of nice sea bass, on a minus tide!!! Just toss a floating rapala, and twitch it.

According to the Marine Zone reg's, it appears to be open 24/7. I do not see any special reg's that, would indicate otherwise.
One thing to keep in mind - anyone who gives you advice from when they hit up a spot 20-30+ years ago - ignore their anecdotes except as a historical oddity. There simply are not as many (or as large) of fish in the water in those easy spots. I have literally lost count of the number of old codgers who thnk it's cool to walk up to me while I'm fishing (at any location in the PNW, mind you) and sagely advise me how the fish there were all 30-40 lbs when they "used to fish" the area, and if I'm really lucky they'll even talk trash at my catch..! :sad:

I've never seen a one of those guys actually carrying around fishing gear, and the next one who "advises" me by bragging about the good old days, will get asked to show me his fishing license, otherwise he's not a fisherman - he's just a tourist! :harhar:

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