What's the longest fish fight you have seen?

Good day all fellow anglers.:D I had quite a weekend up at Mill City. It started on Thursday I met Kodiak down below the bridge and he coached me on the art of catching nookies. Very slow evening for catching but not for watching them jump. As the evening came on so did the herring. WOW that was a sight to behold 8 guys standing on each side of the river one side casting to the middle one side casting 3/4 the way across the river. Combat fishing at its best.:lol: I will say phil had a great take down and quick hook and release and was rewarded with a bare hook.:shock: I would like to thank kodiak for his time and knowledge and bait :clap: Also introducing me to a very nice gentlmen named Ray who will return at the end of this story.
On friday I awoke at 5 am and headed for Mill City. Knowing with the hundreds and I mean hundreds of fish jumping I was going to catch one not a doubt in my mind.
So I got there rigged up and headed to the water. I found a piece of roe wrapped in some mesh put it on my hook. First cast set my pole down to grab a quick drink of java. BAM!!! fish hit dang missed that one. I proceeded to fish for another hour with nothing. At about 7 am i got hung up gave my rod a tug and snap broke my salmon rod. Headed back to camp and grabbed another rod got back to the river and no one was fishing where I was so I got rigged up dropped my line in and I was joking with a guy about breaking my rod I had just gotten. As this was going on I got slammed set the hook and snapped another rod. To the truck :mad:back to camp this time I brought 2 rods and didn't snap another one I might add.
Upon my returning to the I saw a guy with it looked as though he had a fish on , as I spoke to one of the teenagers he said the guy was snagged. I watched for a little bit and it sure looked as though he was snagged. So paying little attention I went about trying to catch some fish, a while later this guy was still doing the same thing just tugging on his rod with no real pressure he looked like he was jigging and not very well I might add. All of a sudden I here him yell its a monster,no one on my side of the river said a thing just giggled to each other. With thoughts of you have got to be joking. I asked a guy that was fishing what time it was and he said 10:20 I replied no way he said yep. As i pondered this it came to reality that guy has been fighting that fish for 3 hrs. You have got to be joking came to mind,as I was thinking this, the guy yells 5 dollars if you bring me a net and sure enough a kid grabbed a net and off he went. About 5 minutes later I saw a tail fin and was suprised it was a nook WOW!!!!:shock: the youg man sat there for roughly a 1/2 hour and then his father went over with it in his mind he could encourage this guy to tighten his drag and pull up hard on his rod. To no avail this guy was having none of it. as time passed it got to 11:45 am and I needed to get back to camp. Off i went to camp came back about a 1/2 hr later and he had lost the fish.
Now to draw my story to a conclussion on fathers day morning 5 am I took one of my daughters fishing and it was slow we fished for a 1/2 hr to no avail and a gentlmen named Ray who I had met on thursday night hooked up (what a beautiful sight) and handed his pole to Brooklyn eyes bulging she dug in like a pro reeling down pulling up as she put it what a awesome feeling dad. Sure is daughter and she pulled up this 8-10 pound nook. I send out many thanks to Kodiak for the invite to his territory and introducing me to a good person such as Ray. To Ray many thanks my daughter will never forget her time on the n. santiam.:clap:
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I can't compare to almost 5 hours, but when I hooked a steelhead on ultra-light trout tackle, it took me a good 45 minutes to an hour to land him. He probably weighed 3 times as much as the line I was using, so it was a very gentle fight.
Mine was about 40Mins, I hooked a Oversize sturgeon and chased it downstream. Veryfun.
just like anyfishisfine, my first steelhead ever was a 9 pounder, on 6lb line. It was a little over an hour long, and I ran with it downstream about 60 yards twice. Wrote the story as part of a college English assignment a couple of years later, and got an A. One of a few fish I will NEVER forget as long as I live.;)
One hour and fourty five mins, oversize sturgeon at bonneville 15 years ago never gonna forget grandpa tossin the anchor rope over a yellin lets get em. two grown man and a kid whooped and finally a 9 ft.er.
Ray says hello...I'm very glad you had a good time...some good sized fish (my average 18#'s showed up the las two days and are having absolutely nothing to do with nothing. It was very nice to meet you, look forward to meeting up again.
Wow almost 5 hours:shock:, i'm tired after a half hour.
My verry first nook was 68 lbs...20 mins or so to bonk time ...a life time of trying to beat that number. I was 12 and on the Kenai in alaska...talk about ruining a kid for life.
1 hr 45 min...

1 hr 45 min...

Mine was 1 hr and 45 min. on an over sized Sturgeon I caught on the Umpqua river... Even now when I think of that day my waist starts to burn from the rod jamming me for the entire fight. Not that I am complaining mind you, but I have never gone back to target Sturgeon;).. Something about fishing for fish you measure in feet..

longest fight i had was with a monster steelhead on siletz this past winter. i fought it for about 40 min., it was all over the river before deciding to hunker down in a deep hole. my patience wore thin, my arm was throbbing, so i decided to try and muscle the fish back into making a run: mistake! snapped my line! doh!
Ouch !!!

Ouch !!!

Johnny Southpaw said:
longest fight i had was with a monster steelhead on siletz this past winter. i fought it for about 40 min., it was all over the river before deciding to hunker down in a deep hole. my patience wore thin, my arm was throbbing, so i decided to try and muscle the fish back into making a run: mistake! snapped my line! doh!

I feel your pain...:(. When people say "well at least you had it on for 40 min", these are people just like me that can feel your pain.

My claim to fame is not on a northwest fish. I landed a 400lb marlin at 10 years old on roomates charter boat out of Ma'alaia Harbor, Maui Hawaii. 4 hour, 45 min, boat full reverse, strapped to a chair, rod/reel bigger than me. Locally, I had a bangin time on the 5.5 inch pellet head, last 7.5 sec. woot
Maybe a half hour or so. I was on the Siuslaw couple years ago by myself and hooked one of those 40 something Chinooks. I just let it drag my boat around until it got tired enough. It was long enough that the State Police who were downstream in, their boat, checking licenses, came up to see if I needed help netting him. Thought that was nice of them.
Well to all that read all of my post. :cool:I took both rods back to bi-mart and both were replaced no questions asked.:clap: I am a firm believer in bi-mart they replace anything I buy there.:yay:
I have a friend that hooked an estimated 12ft. sturgeon on a trout rod at the mouth of the Williamson river while stillfishing cub minnows for trout. They fought it for about 2-1/2 hrs out of a 10ft jon boat....pretty crazy!!! :shock: They had a crowd of boats watching before it was over, some of the boats got some nice pics of the sturgeon jumping out of the water during the fight! Insane to fight a fish that is longer than your boat! :lol:

Good story, made the local paper in K-falls with some nice pics.
fish fight

fish fight

hospital hole -3 yrs. ago - 43 lb. - in 8' of water - 1 hr. -
Long fight

Long fight

I have seen some long ones. Probably the longest one I have personally had was when I was fishing main stem of santiam middle summer for steelhead. Water was low, so I was using only 6-8 lb leader for steelhead. Well I hooked into about a 20 lb late season spring chinook. Took me about 45 mins to finally get it in, sure was fun. Wasn't expecting a springer.
Longest fishing fight I will see... Skunky day, Osmosis vs. ArcticAmoeba.
Chinaman's Hole on the Umatilla river about two miles from the mouth where it meets the Columbia; Ugly Stick rod (8 1/2 feet medium weight), Maxima Chamelion 10 lb test line, Mitchell 300x spinning reel, using corkies just above the hook with two foot 10 pound leader below the swivel and a slip weight jigging for Coho below a small waterfall. Net result 30+ minute fight; 41 inch Chinook buck (had to be released due to it being fall run and only Coho or jack Chinook allowed to be kept on the Umatilla).

Had to cut about 40 feet of line and throw it away as it was way stretched; almost stripped the gears in the reel (still works for trout and bass like it was intended in the first place).

Seven or so witnesses to the event; some of whom saw me the next year at that hole and asked if I had had anymore run ins with monsters.

That Chinook buck was the brightest chrome I had ever seen on this river.

I sent a short write up to Pure Fishing the parent company of Mitchell and Berkley, and they sent me a box of goodies (hat, spool of 10 pount Trilene, plastic grubs, couple lures etc.... ).

All in all a great time.


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