What it is all about...

I went to the North Fork of the Santiam this morning, and fished a little bit at Packsaddle, and then a bit more at Fisherman's Bend. I was in my waders up to my knees at the Fisherman's Bend boat launch when I struck up a conversation with two gentlemen that were getting into their driftboat. It came up in the conversation that I was a newbie to the river.

As the two men were rowing away, one of them paused for a moment, and then took the time to point out some good spots for me to try, and gave me some pointers on where and how to cast. I want to take a moment to not only thank the gentleman for his time and kindness, but to remind all of us that this is the true spirit of fishing, and of OFF. Taking what time we can to not only learn, but to share what we know can make a huge difference in someone's day, as it did in mine. I came home empty handed, but more importantl than that, I came home with new knowledge. Thank you to the kind stranger,
That is what fishing is all about. The majority of people who fish are out for a good time and aren't so wrapped up in themselves that they can't help and give tips to a perfect stranger. It's always nice to come across real sportsmen. Glad you shared.
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