What is some good bait to catch bass?

I've always wanted to try a live mouse but will most likely never get around to it. I don't see anything wrong with it. They are called "feeder mice". :lol:

Try some top water frogs or anything top water right now.
Pretty sure i am a real angler. how could you not enjoy the explosion caused my a live mouse getting gulped of the surface by a big ol bucket. Or any topwater action for that matter. If that doesn't excite you then I dont know what will. You must fish with a flyrod... No offense eggs, bigsteel, lilsalmon, OTF, GD, ninja. I've caught fish out of state without a liscen with a stick some parking look rats nest line a rusty hook i found along the shore and some cantelope for bait it dont get any more real than that.
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I can't catch a bass out of the expo to save my life.Does anybody have some advice for me?

The expo ponds are pretty much cesspools this time of the summer plus there probably aren't large quantities of bass in them.....I would suggest going to Hyatt lake!
yeah there are quite a few 6+ in there and can be VERY hard to catch.....mainly due to the pressure there. Have you tried swimbaits or larger beavers? even 10-12 inch worms slow rolled can produce. But the real expo pro is CP and hes got it down only because of time spent and i mean a LOT of time spent fishing them. by the way a tube or toon is about the only way to go for the real big ones in there.
both the front and trout pond mainly though i have stuck a few decent fish in the back one...nobody really fishes that one though. I would stick to the trout pond though if your chasing size only.
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