What are the odds of this happening...

I'd say pretty low. I've been fishing for about thirty years and I've only caught one bird by accident. Did it go for your bait or what? How did it happen?
i was reeling ina perch at irongate in nor cal a few months ago in june "09 it was waking and the seagull took the perch got wrapped in the line it was a rush but it got untangled after about a minute but man my drag screamed :shock::shock::D:lol:
Fishing in Nehalem bay for salmon people were hooking gulls all day. They would swoop down and grab your herring. The fun part was their mate attacking you while you tried to unhook it.
In Texas we catch alligator snaping turtles on catfish bait all day. The scary thing is they can easily bite your finger clean off.
I saw a duck at harriet hooked to a tree by a broken off snag. It was a shiny red probably #8 single egg hook. It was completley hooked through the tounge. In the process of trying to unhook it i fell in the water,
DEEP. As my waders were filling with water this old man stuck a branch out and I grabbed it. He pulled me in and i used my K-bar to cut the branch off the tree.(the one the duck was hooked to) we grabbed the branch and bird took a few feet away from the water and un hooked it. I'm sure the poor thing had permanent damage cause his tounge was hanging out of its mouth like daffy duck. but he was alive. I caught nothing but German browns and cuttie hybrids that weekend.......karma maybe???? I dont know but I had a great time!
years and years ago I was fishing for trout a Trillium lake with a spinner. There were some ducks swimming around fairly close by but I didn't think anything about it. Next thing I know my spinner gets hit HARD and I'm yelling "big fish on!" One second later this duck pops out of the water with my spinner in it's beak and starts going nuts! It took about 10 minutes to finally get ahold of that thing and get the hook out safely! Also a few weeks ago I was plunking at Meldrum when a guys bell starts ringing like crazy so he runs to it yelling fish on! Same as my story a second later duck came poppin out of the water getting its freak on!
catching birds

catching birds

I caught a Mallard hen last year on a dry fly. While I was try to get the hook out of her tonge 3 male ducks came over and tried to mate with her. I guess they thot I was going to hold her for them.
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