Anyone on here do any duck/goose hunting???

metalmania said:I used to a lot, but the 2 private property areas I hunted were sold to new owners, and my go to public spot is now privately owned. I lost all of my waterfowl hunting spots just this year
. Looks like it'll be nothing but grouse and quail til I find a new place to hunt.
Mike123 said:I hear ya! Im lost to where to go now this year.. I didn't go much at all last couple years cause I fished too much. Well now all my spots are Private now.
I'd like to just float the South Santiam... but don't want to go alone.
Kodiak said:So I went scouting for some places to whack daffy. Most of the birds have shifted about 2miles to the south of where they were using last year (except the rivers). I had hoped to see more ducks buzing around than I did but with the weather the way it is I managed to find the little buggers, and some honkers, and about 20 snow geese.
Combat Chuck said:I saw lots of geese on the banks of Foster this weekend. The lake is at low pool so there is plenty of room for them.
halibuthitman said:are there any upland bird bowhunters out there?
Mike123 said:Good... cause that's where Im goin tomorrow! Little camo duck boat...
Goin solo... anyone want to join me?
Outdoor_Myers said:next year if I have hunting license and a shotgun I'll go lol
Kodiak said:Was back out there yesterday morning just lookin around, the field we shot was literally covered with birds, found where the quackers were going also...It will be a fun shoot when I can figure out how to get in there.:dance::clap: