Waterfowl hunting

Anyone on here do any duck/goose hunting???

I used to a lot, but the 2 private property areas I hunted were sold to new owners, and my go to public spot is now privately owned:(. I lost all of my waterfowl hunting spots just this year:mad:. Looks like it'll be nothing but grouse and quail til I find a new place to hunt.
metalmania said:
I used to a lot, but the 2 private property areas I hunted were sold to new owners, and my go to public spot is now privately owned:(. I lost all of my waterfowl hunting spots just this year:mad:. Looks like it'll be nothing but grouse and quail til I find a new place to hunt.

I hear ya! Im lost to where to go now this year.. I didn't go much at all last couple years cause I fished too much. Well now all my spots are Private now.
I'd like to just float the South Santiam... but don't want to go alone.
I miss jump shooting mallards in eastern washington... sometimes waded creeks... but there is a lot more access over there than here.
I wont be able to this year but next year if the money is right I will be looking for a hunting partner. not sure how close I am to anyone. All I know is I live in the Willamette zone right next to one that starts with a T
Mike123 said:
I hear ya! Im lost to where to go now this year.. I didn't go much at all last couple years cause I fished too much. Well now all my spots are Private now.
I'd like to just float the South Santiam... but don't want to go alone.

I'm your huckelberry. I've got spots public amd private all over the valley when I get a min....Go shoot EE Wilson or eugene...There's also all the green way spots on the willy. I know a couple of people that will let you goose shoot over by monmouth....they want the honkers shot off the place badly.
So I went scouting for some places to whack daffy. Most of the birds have shifted about 2miles to the south of where they were using last year (except the rivers). I had hoped to see more ducks buzing around than I did but with the weather the way it is I managed to find the little buggers, and some honkers, and about 20 snow geese.
Kodiak said:
So I went scouting for some places to whack daffy. Most of the birds have shifted about 2miles to the south of where they were using last year (except the rivers). I had hoped to see more ducks buzing around than I did but with the weather the way it is I managed to find the little buggers, and some honkers, and about 20 snow geese.

Oh NICE! When we goin!!?? :dance::)

I have enough shells for the both of us... especially if you have a 3 1/2in chamber...
I saw lots of geese on the banks of Foster this weekend. The lake is at low pool so there is plenty of room for them.
are there any upland bird bowhunters out there?
Combat Chuck said:
I saw lots of geese on the banks of Foster this weekend. The lake is at low pool so there is plenty of room for them.

Good... cause that's where Im goin tomorrow! Little camo duck boat...

Goin solo... anyone want to join me?
halibuthitman said:
are there any upland bird bowhunters out there?

I hit a goose in the head with my fletches one time while out looking for deer and elk... does that count? :lol: Bout 45yds... just lead it and released.
It missed the broad head by a half second...
Mike123 said:
Good... cause that's where Im goin tomorrow! Little camo duck boat...

Goin solo... anyone want to join me?

next year if I have hunting license and a shotgun I'll go lol
Outdoor_Myers said:
next year if I have hunting license and a shotgun I'll go lol

Haha ok deal. :D

Gotta wait till tomorrow to go dang it... got my first aid class at 6pm.. :(
Well Kodiak(Phill) put me on some honkers Sunday! We hiked all day loooking for birds then ended up on private land that was surrounded by birds!
We got one large group of honkers to decoy in and I dropped one of them... they took off quick behind the bushes before we could get off 3 shots... a couple more of the birds felt some pain but didn't go down..

Now I'm in the process of making goose enchiladas! Phill gave me this idea... never thought about it. I could fool almost anyone that this goose is actually roast beef.. I hardly can tell the difference. :D

Goin to a pond in the hills tomorrow to try and score some ducks!
Can't wait to goose hunt again with Kodiak! The guy can call some birds! :clap:
Was back out there yesterday morning just lookin around, the field we shot was literally covered with birds, found where the quackers were going also...It will be a fun shoot when I can figure out how to get in there.:dance::clap:
Kodiak said:
Was back out there yesterday morning just lookin around, the field we shot was literally covered with birds, found where the quackers were going also...It will be a fun shoot when I can figure out how to get in there.:dance::clap:

so how far are you guys from Mac? I got a new gun magazine from Remington yesterday in the mail! I need about 6k for all the guns in it I want! man I can't wait to just go out and learn how to hunt.
I went out yesterday along the Molalla with a buddy behind his house. We saw nothing until about 9:30 when it stopped raining and the clouds parted. Plenty of flights of geese out in the distance (no goose deeks that day - fool), then a pair of mallards came right up river at us. Soft chuckles and a couple of "hi-ya-doin's" and they were about to commit. Just as the call was made, they decided to go another round. A bit too high and over my shoulder, and off they went. We saw one more set of about 8 ducks high and far that were too interested where they were going to investigate our set. At 11 o'clock we made the call... ...15 minutes and we are outta here. 10 minutes later two mergansers dropped in to the set from outta nowhere. There will be one less that the fish will have to avoid this year. Wish we got both, they are great training dummies for the dog.

Phil, if you need help slaying some birds, I volunteer. I am working in Salem and usually am off the job site by 3:30. Perhaps an afternoon hunt?
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