Video Thomas Creek: Broken Dam

This again is Thomas Creek, near Jordan. The spot is called Broken Dam by the locals. Thomas flows into the South Santiam.


I work with a guy that claims he used to jump off that bridge when he was a kid. There's not much room for error. Anyway, thanks for sharing.
Sweet video!!! Man you sure do get around. Do you fish at all the places or just scope it out??
TTF, there used to be a covered bridge there were the newer one is. It was a lot harder to aim!

BA, actually, both. Mostly I've fished the locales n my pics and vids. That's why I went there in the first place.:D

A real gem

A real gem

Thank you for taking the time to take all your amazing videos. :clap: You have opened my eyes to a bunch of places I had no idea were even accessible,let alone fish-able. You are a gem to this forum. Don't ever stop doing what you do. Thanks again. :D
Aw gee whiz!

Aw gee whiz!

Thanks, Raincatcher. My videos are a mix of older ones and new. Since Anatoliy requested that we OFFers should feel free to post pics and vids of srteams and lakes, I've been busy. Any vids I take I do so from the perspective of an angler. I am also learning about other places too. Like that pic of Horse Creek up on the McKenzie. Studied that watershed and it looks inviting. Plus we can trout fish Horse Creek a month earlier come spring. Flies and lures only and catch & release. That's fine with me.:dance:

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