Video camera

i just got me a head-mount video camera and i will be posting all of my salmon fishing adventures on you tube
this thursday we are going to go camping at vally of the rogue so i will have some vids of that
wish me luck :D
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its a [vupoint] solutions 3gb camera
but here is one of the vids of us catching a nice 14 inch trout vids really short cause we had the camera in a plastic bag and we didn't get to it in time but its decent quality
so enjoy
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Nice fish but where's the lifejackets? It amazes me that people will raft a river without a life vest on.

I can see not wearing them at all times especially if you know the river. Its summer time and the Rouge in most areas is very mild! If you are going to be going through a tricky section then definitely put the vest on but otherwise they should be fine. If you cannot swim without one in the summer you probably should not be on the river anyway. :D
today fishing at the hatchery

today fishing at the hatchery

here is a decent video of me an a couple friends catching a 32 lb Chinook at Cole rivers hatchery
i had a good fight but in the end the fish went back in the river:)

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we had 2 life jackets in the raft but it was a very calm section of the river so we took them off to fish

and please feel free to check out my other videos i have a Chinook fishing one and a ocean fishing one too
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