Urban Hawg Map

Lookin forward to heading down to Oaks Bottom fishin for Bass, Cats, and Carp this spring/summer and need some advice and knowledge on a spot near the Sellwood bridge area/ oaks bottom area to fish for these guys... thanks:pray:
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Urban Hog Questin....

Urban Hog Questin....

Alright man, Ive got this new google map ive been working on, and its got some of my fishin spots Im willing to share marked on it(most are well known!). Most of them are warmwater fishing holes, but I slapped a few spots on the Sandy, and took a few off the Columbia and Clackamas(no boat spots either!). These are not at all guaranteed spots, but Ive hooked up at everyspot listed, aside from the few on the willy that are marked unfished. Every spot is less than an hour from SE Portland. I know a lot of these spots have names, and if the name I gave it is not the name you call it, well nevermind....If I see any of ya's at my fishin spots, Ill be collecting the fee on the bank:D....

Good luck, and be carefull fishin' the spots frequented by unruly crowds...and I'll add some more whenever I actually remember/get around to it!

Urban Hog Questin - Google Maps
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Epitomizing Caring & Sharing

Epitomizing Caring & Sharing

Alright man, Ive got this new google map ive been working on, and its got a lot of my fishin spots Im willing to share marked on it. Most of them are warmwater fishing holes, but I slapped a few spots on the Sandy, and took a few off the Columbia and Clackamas. These are not at all guaranteed spots, but Ive hooked up at everyspot listed, aside from the few on the willy that are marked unfished. Every spot is less than an hour from SE Portland. I know a lot of these spots have names, and if the name I gave it is not the name you call it, well nevermind....If I see any of ya's at my fishin spots, Ill be collecting the fee on the bank:D....

Good luck, and be carefull fishin' the spots frequented by unruly crowds...

Urban Hog Questin - Google Maps
Reviews and comments welcom...

ABSO-FREAKING-LUTELY FANTASTIC!!!! :clap: :clap: That is one amazing map! I can't even guess at how much time and effort it must have taken. I wish every fishing forum in the country could see this thing! Most of them would have to change their britches! :dance: :D THAT is why I tell everyone this is the Caring & Sharing forum! Thank you for epitomizing that attitude. :clap: :clap: Be safe.
"Fishtopher", I too applaud your authoring skill and extraordinary generosity! On another state's forum, the tone is "I'm so terrific look what I caught & I ain't telling where".


I totally agree with everyone else. I live down in the Medford area and I would love to do something like this for this area. I am new to this site, but I already love it. I enjoy looking what everyone else has interests in. Lots of great info. If I ever fish the Portland area, I WILL bring this map. Thanks again for all your hard work. FenderBender
thank you soooo much, dude. this is the kind of helping hand all newbies need and appreciate.

i just bookmarked the map and will be visiting it more than often.

you da man! :clap::clap::clap:
Newbie? That's funny

Newbie? That's funny

Sorry Darlin' but your "newbie-ness" wore OFF a long time ago :lol:...around 369 posts ago...:dance:
This site never stops amazing me. Isn't it great to be part of a group of people like this? :clap:
Be safe.
Thanks for sharing Fishtopher.

I've heard about the area around the Sellwood bridge, so I went down yesterday to check it out. I had no idea where to go, and ended up at Powers Marine Park. I caught a small bass and what I think were salmon smolts (unless trout live in that stretch). I didn't take them out of the water for a better look, and just let them go as gently as possible.

I also caught a mystery fish. Is this a carp? Sorry for the bad cell phone camera.
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can't tell, does it look like this....

can't tell, does it look like this....

Id be more worried about that big fuzzy white thing in the corner of your pic!:lol:

I got this one fishin' downstream of the big 8' round pipe on the Eastbank Esplanade in Downtown Portland right after a huge rain storm last spring. This nasty lookin water was shootin outta the pipe like crazy!! I thought that was all from storm drains until someone told me it was the sewage overflow pipe...

Look the same to you? I can't tell...between my eyes, the pics, and all the cigarette smoke in the room....

:redface:I never thought that pic would get out....:whistle:
Try Largescale Sucker. See if that fits the description.

That got me to a sucker page, and it looked a lot like a white sucker. He didn't have the belly scales like the largescale and was kind of yellow like the white.


This description of a largescale fits it perfect:


The most distinct feature of a largescale sucker is its mouth, which is located on the bottom of its head rather than the front. Like its cousins in the minnow family, it does not have an adipose fin. Its scales are carp-like, they are fairly large. The top side of the fish is often greenish-grey in colour, while its belly is usually white or creamy. A largescale sucker can reach just over half a meter long."
Thanks for sharing Fishtopher.

I've heard about the area around the Sellwood bridge, so I went down yesterday to check it out. I had no idea where to go, and ended up at Powers Marine Park. I caught a small bass and what I think were salmon smolts (unless trout live in that stretch). I didn't take them out of the water for a better look, and just let them go as gently as possible.

I also caught a mystery fish. Is this a carp? Sorry for the bad cell phone camera.

wow, that's just an average sucker fish, but what'd ya get it on?:think:
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Fishin with Chuck.

Fishin with Chuck.

Just a few from yesterday afternoon. All 6 gals caught fish before Chuck, or any of us 3 guys caught one. Crawlers on the bottom.
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Where was that little flounder caught? I grew up on the texas coast and used to catch tons of them, but have not caught one here in oregon. I would like to though.....
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