Trout Porn - How not to fish for Bass`

So, we had planned to go on a family fishing trip. Take our microRV and head out to a lake or two to see how the likkle ones would handle the 'no mains electricity' camping with portaloo's. Kids have recently watched an episode of "Wild Kratts" (a kids nature program) which told them all about Bass, so these last two weeks I have been under an almost constant attack of 'Daaaad, when are you going to catch a Bass instead of these Trout".

Well, left friday midday, got back home saturday 9pm. Had planned on staying at the lakes for a good 2-3 days with the family, but... we hit our limit and came home early.

Friday night was excellent. After unpacking, and cooking our traditional 'mac n cheeze' (first night is kids choice, doh), I grabbed my trusted Ugli Stik Lite and a few lures and headed out to a mess o logs that i had seen on my way in to the campsite.
First few casts had nothing, then i started getting nibble nibble about 30' away next to a downed tree. Turned out to be bluegills as a whole swarm of them followed the crawdad softbait back to the dock, nipping at its 'claws' all the time.
I chose another downed tree, next to the weedbed, thinkin Bass thoughts, so change bait to my trusted Senko and toss it over and bounce it off the log into the water. I think the water here is about 4ft deep, so start the count. At 5, the line ticks, at 7 it ticks again and goes slack, i hadnt even thought 8 when the line jerks and i set the hook. There is definite movement on the end of the line and i bring it in.
Its my first fish of the weekend and i am already happy (although no Bass!!!)
Let him go and then swapped over to the fly rod as I could see a lot of fish starting to take from the surface. Nada in the next 30 mins so i packed up and we had an early night.
Got up lateish today, and we finally got back out with the rods at 11. We tried a different spot and set up with large nightcrawlers on a #6 with a splitshot a couple of inches above the hook.
Started casting these towards another weedbed, and it wasn't even 20 seconds until the line went tight and my youngest had her first fish on. Turned out to be another rainbow, about 12" but fell off the hook just a foot from the bank.
Then another, then another.. etc. all little ones (10"-14"), but suckers for a nightcrawler.
The girls and mom went back to get lunch and i was allowed to stay for 10 more minutes. I walked farther up the bank and launched my senko far away into the brush and weeds. I had walked it about 1/3 of the way back and the line zipped out as a fish grabbed it about 25 foot from me. I estimate that line extended by another 15 foot before i could get the fish under control. I really thought that I had my first Bass of the weekend until a clearly rainbow shape took to the air. This was putting my 6lb line to the test as it kept diving back into the brush to escape.
That one measured in at 27" and left a wake in the mud about a foot wide as he headed back out to freedom and we estimated it at about 6lb.
So, back i went and had lunch. Over lunch we discussed going for a nature walk around the lakes. We had seen some beautiful flowers, deer, dragonflies, damsels, etc. etc, yeah.. as long as i can bring my fishing stick too.
So.. off we wandered until we got to the dyke at the bottom of lake 2. I looked out at a fallen cedar and launched my senko back in.
On the fist retrieve i mentioned to the wife "that felt like a real faint knock, probably bluegill again", I cast to the same place, retrieved and said "same place, that one was a little harder, let me try that again once more"....
Well, 15 minutes later she helped me net this beast!!!
32". This was the keeper.
As we walked back to the RV i kept whining that my rod arm was hurting and i needed a beer as medicine. Got back to the camp to realize that there was NOWHERE we could put this fish, the largest cooler was 24". A quick family decision cut the trip and we headed home with stories to tell. Stopped at the first place we found that had ice and the beast was cooled.
When i got back here i put that fish on my trusted(?) spring scale, 9lb 4oz!!!

No bass though!
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Nice fish looks like you had a good trip. I seen your rv while heading home from safeway I told my wife that must be a member of O.F.F. because it was written on the back and she said maybe it stands for something else and I said no because I remember seeing your username on the forum.
Fish autopsy revealed a recent banquet of crayfish, but I had already guessed as much from the state of the back end of its digestive tract.
Yup, that RV was me. I still haven't washed off the "Growbug O.F.F." from the back of it.
The Queen would be proud! A fine fish supported by the Union Jack! Way to enthuse your kids Rob. They will forever be trying to match dad's record rainbow.:clap::cool:
Holy Hawg GB, that fish is PIG-O-LICIOUS! It's belly is HUGE too. I've never seen a 32" bow before, unless it was a salty dawg. WOW!

P.S. Someone call 911...GB has been infected with Brandon's deadly fish kissing disease!!!
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That sounds like a sweet place to camp. I love the dry camping along the Trask / Nestucca area. Where were yall at? (If you dont mind telling)
Nice didn't happen to find a swim fin did you? I seem to be missin one...:D
Man, what a beautiful fish!!! Great job!
We were fishing a bunch of lakes just north of Vernonia in the hills, owned and managed by Oregon Fishing Club. I suspect that the larger two fish are part of the triploid planting that they did 2 years ago.

The problem about catching these suspect triploid pigs is that the survival rate is low. Imagine if you will that the fish get so fat that they just hang around under a log and wait for food to come past them, just darting out, inhaling a crayfish and then back in. When you get them on the line its like having a Sofa bound McDonalds addict just have to suddenly jump out from the chair and do a 200 yard dash, with hurdles!
I am thinking that the large one may have had a heart attack or something when we finally got him in close enough to net and remove hook. It just didn't show any interest in our attempts at revival.

Pro's and Con's of the Triploid is that there will be another beast this size quite soon, if there isn't already.
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awesome fish, way to call the camping trip for the sake of the fish!
Yeah, sometimes 'hitting your limit' is only one fish! There was no way that after letting the poor thing die, i was then going to let it go to waste.
It may not be the best meat in the world, but, I have quite a few friends who will appreciate a steak or two.
It just seemed the right thing to do, I looked at the family and held up the fish and just asked "Well, should we go home now?" and we all agreed that staying and letting the fish spoil wasn't really an option.
We did also agree (and the kids made me promise) that we would be back to that site quite soon, but leave it a week or two for the water to warm so that its the Bass becoming active.
As my far better half put it, "Its best to end on a high note"
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well said

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