well, a stonefly could do ok, its been pretty cold, ive been told a goldenstone is best for southern oregon, but I think with the low clear water I would go with something smaller and black, you could also try any of the caddis, but on the mackenzie I would try the cased caddis, or mabe a lead winged coachman....midge pupa, or a spinner..... but most of all I would fish with a very small carrot, and im not sure a flyshop other than kaufmanns is going to have any, but don't take my advise, I hate nymph fishing and would rather swing streamers all day and go fishless, than use a strike indicator, if you find a stretch of water that the hard afternoon sun hits for at least two hours, you may get a very short midge or caddis hatch, might only last 20 minutes, my brother and I used to sit on the banks of the little spokane river in the winter waiting for that magic 20 minutes, sometimes it wouldn't happen.. sometimes it would and you would get one fish on a caddis fly.... in january! ultimate trophy. but the best thing you could do is find the nearest flyshop to where you want to fish, and go look at the river report on the board or ask the shop clerk and buy some of their flys as payment for the info... thats how the world worked before OFF and I-fish. good luck